sustainable energy solutions

Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Solutions

Ruth asks…

If we do not come up with a policy to replace petoleum energy soon, what will happen?

The amount of oil that can be produced is peaking, and will soon be in decline, while energy demand will continue to rise. How do we need to manage things to prevent disaster?

admin answers:

For one perspective, read Eating Fossil Fuels: Oil, Food And the Coming Crisis in Agriculture by Dale Allen Pfeiffer. Unfortunately, I think this book is an example of “preaching to the choir.” I’m fairly out there in my thoughts on oil, the environment, and farming, but he had me shaking my head at times with his statements that, although cited, were never quoted. I also think that, for a nation steeped in individualism and entrenched in its ideas, pushing socialism as a way of recovery is simply not going to work. People immediately put up their mental blocks and dismiss any related ideas. But it’s a quick read and gives a bit of background to the oil and food connection.

Anyway, on to my own ideas of what will happen. Our nation is extremely dependent on a cheap and plentiful food supply, and the ability to have any type of food at any time of the year. We’ve forgotten about seasons. We’ve forgotten the taste of a fresh strawberry in June and squash in November. Why? Because we have them all the time. Already people are having hissy fits about the cost of food rising. It’s rising because we truck it in from all over–not only all over the country, but all over the world. Do I really need a banana from Chile? No. But we’ve come to expect it.

At the same time, we’re pouring oil over our crops. People are lifting up ethanol as the next big thing to replace petroleum. Ethanol from corn…corn that we douse with petroleum. How does that help? Ethanol is not a worthy replacement. As we cut back on petroleum, it seems to me we’ll have to stop using as much chemically-produced pesticide on our crops. In this society of industrial agriculture, that will mean lost crops. It will mean less corn to feed the cows. It will mean a rise in prices and a decrease in the shipping of food all over the world.

What can we do to prevent a collapse of our industrial agricultural model? Well, ok, I’m all for a collapse, but not for starving people. We need to change our system and mindset before we reach this point. First, we need a return to eating locally produced food. The fewer miles your food has traveled, the less petro is consumed. When we return to eating locally produced food, we will probably be supporting more small farms, most of whom use more sustainable methods–more crop rotation, less chemicals. We need to start planting community gardens so that people in the cities will have access to fresh produce. Urban communities are often poorer and often have less access to fresh vegetables and fruit. So when the cost of food goes up due to the price of oil, poor people suffer more and have less healthy additions. When we plant community gardens where people can participate and have their own plot to care for, people have more options for their diet–and we’re using those ugly vacant lots in our cities. I live in New Orleans and trust me, there are both plenty of poor people and plenty of vacant lots. It’s a grand solution.

Obviously there are so many more things that need to be done about our usage of petroleum. I’ll leave those answers to others. If we stop putting our food on planes and drenching our crops in chemicals, we’ll find a huge decrease in our petroleum usage.

John asks…

What difficulties do we face in deriving solutions to climate change?

I am trying to get started writing a paper but I need a little directional inspiration. I believe our main issue is the large disconnection many people feel from nature. And then of course the cost associated with putting policies in place to protect the environment and finding new effective sources of renewable energy.

admin answers:

The UN and IPCC have the solution for AGW/ACC – we only need to give them absolute totalitarian rule over the US and all other countries, and the problem is solved (in their own words). The IPCC is who are persenting AGW/ACC as being an issue.

If you want to know to know the intent behind AGW/ACC, read the entire answer, and read what they are saying in their own words quoted, so there can be no misunderstandings of their actual intent.

These are a few statements that are legally binding for the countries that surrender their rights to the UN COP. Segments of the expose are shown below, and an expanded expose is at:
(though not a full list of their demands and aspirations)
(the COP is Conference of Parties, an established organization by the UN for a one world government, and “Convention” is the countries that surrender to the COP through the treaty.)

Page 39, #32
“Funds will be under the control of the COP as the supreme authority of the Convention.”

The COP will have unconditional, unrestricted power over the economy and society. Why is this stated if it is all about science, and nothing to do with a one world government and absolute global rule???

Page 18, #36
“..adoption and carrying out of public policies, as the prevailing instrument, to which the market rules and related dynamics should be subordinate, in order to assure the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention.”

Market rules and dynamics subordinate???? This IS what has caused the current global economic meltdown – Market rules and dynamics subordinate.

Page 7, #3
“a major obstacle to efforts to promote [sustainable] economic and social development [and to [reduce] poverty] [eradication] [promote poverty aliviation,] [which are the first and overriding priorities of all developing countries].”

If it about AGW, why is poverty eradication the primary and overriding priority????

Page 18, #38 (a)
” The government will be ruled by the COP”

Does the US want a foreign dictator to have absolute rule over society and the economy???

Page 29, (q)
“Any lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason to postpone or scale down action on adaptation];”

It is suppose to be about irrefutable science. Why would this be stated if there is any lack of certainty? – because it is all about a lack of science certainty for the claim of Global Warming.

Page 78, #4
“economic and social development and poverty eradication are the first and overriding priorities”

Poverty eradication again?? Stated many times. Isn’t this issue about saving the planet??

Page 87, #77
“A separate pool of funding to finance national coordinating bodies through a direct line item in the secretariat’s budget shall be established. Such support shall not be subject to measurement, reporting and verification.”

Poverty eradication is named numerous times. The COP will have absolute and unconditional authority, and billions of US dollars will be extorted to fund their pet projects and no one will know where the billions will go – i.e. Page 87, #77, second sentence – “Such support shall not be subject to measurement, reporting and verification.”

Check out this publication of exposing only a few segments and statements shown in full so there can be no misunderstanding of their intended objectives in the statements and what the sections translate to mean.

The full 181 page document is at:

Is it really about AGW/ACC, or is AGW/ACC an invented issue as a means to an end as they have wanted for the last hundred years????? Giving absolute rule to dictators will be the result of signing the Copenhagen Treaty, or whatever name they give it at the time is the whole reason AGW/ACC exists. Actually, the whole reason AGW/ACC exists at all, is to get countries to sign the Copenhagen Treaty (like what the AGW/ACC promoters want), to give the UN COP absolute control over the US economy and society (in their own words below). They have drafted a 181 page document outlining that they will have absolute authority unquestioned and unaccountable to no one but themselves (in their own words).

Whether you like the answer or not, this is the whole reason AGW/ACC exists.

You should read how they will have ownership and absolute unchallenged control over land and all natural resources (oil, coal, gas, trees, minerals, farm lands, lakes, rivers, streams, and everything else). Yes, the UN would own and control your property and tell you what you can and can not do.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Solutions

Jenny asks…

What would be an energy chain for wind energy?

I basically know the energy chain, but I want to see what other people have to say. When I say energy chain I mean like mechanical-thermal-electrical- etc.

admin answers:

Energy efficiency and renewable energy are said to be the twin pillars of sustainable energy. Some ways in which sustainable energy has been defined are:
“Effectively, the provision of energy such that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. …Sustainable Energy has two key components: renewable energy and energy efficiency.” – Renewable Energy and Efficiency Partnership (British)
“Dynamic harmony between equitable availability of energy-intensive goods and services to all people and the preservation of the earth for future generations.” And, “the solution will lie in finding sustainable energy sources and more efficient means of converting and utilizing energy.”

“Any energy generation, efficiency & conservation source where: Resources are available to enable massive scaling to become a significant portion of energy generation, long term, preferably 100 years..” – Invest, a green technology non-profit organization.
“Energy which is replenishable within a human lifetime and causes no long-term damage to the environment.”

Daniel asks…

What is the solution to global warming if the causes are natural?

If global warming is from natural causes as opposed to human activity, what would be some solutions? Is it any different?

admin answers:

… This may help:

Solutions to Global Warming

Reducing your family’s heat-trapping emissions does not mean forgoing modern conveniences; it means making smart choices and using energy-efficient products, which may require an additional investment up front, but often pay you back in energy savings within a couple of years.
1.The car you drive: the most important personal climate decision.
When you buy your next car, look for the one with the best fuel economy in its class. Each gallon of gas you use is responsible for 25 pounds of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. Better gas mileage not only reduces global warming, but will also save you thousands of dollars at the pump over the life of the vehicle. Compare the fuel economy of the cars you’re considering and look for new technologies like hybrid engines.
2.Choose clean power. More than half the electricity in the United States comes from polluting coal-fired power plants. And power plants are the single largest source of heat-trapping gas. None of us can live without electricity, but in some states, you can switch to electricity companies that provide 50 to 100 percent renewable energy
3.Look for Energy Star. When it comes time to replace appliances, look for the Energy Star label on new appliances (refrigerators, freezers, furnaces, air conditioners, and water heaters use the most energy). These items may cost a bit more initially, but the energy savings will pay back the extra investment within a couple of years. Household energy savings really can make a difference: If each household in the United States replaced its existing appliances with the most efficient models available, we would save $15 billion in energy costs and eliminate 175 million tons of heat-trapping gases.
4.Unplug a freezer.
One of the quickest ways to reduce your global warming impact is to unplug the extra refrigerator or freezer you rarely use (except when you need it for holidays and parties). This can reduce the typical family’s carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 10 percent.
5.Get a home energy audit.
Take advantage of the free home energy audits offered by many utilities. Simple measures, such as installing a programmable thermostat to replace your old dial unit or sealing and insulating heating and cooling ducts, can each reduce a typical family’s carbon dioxide emissions by about 5 percent.
6.Light bulbs matter.
If every household in the United States replaced one regular light bulb with an energy-saving model, we could reduce global warming pollution by more than 90 billion pounds over the life of the bulbs; the same as taking 6.3 million cars off the road. So, replace your incandescent bulbs with more efficient compact fluorescents, which now come in all shapes and sizes. You’ll be doing your share to cut back on heat-trapping pollution and you’ll save money on your electric bills and light bulbs.
7.Think before you drive.
If you own more than one vehicle, use the less fuel-efficient one only when you can fill it with passengers. Driving a full minivan may be kinder to the environment than two midsize cars. Whenever possible, join a carpool or take mass transit.
8.Buy good wood.
When buying wood products, check for labels that indicate the source of the timber. Supporting forests that are managed in a sustainable fashion makes sense for biodiversity, and it may make sense for the climate too. Forests that are well managed are more likely to store carbon effectively because more trees are left standing and carbon-storing soils are less disturbed.
9.Plant a tree.
You can also make a difference in your own backyard. Get a group in your neighborhood together and contact your local arborist or urban forester about planting trees on private property and public land. In addition to storing carbon, trees planted in and around urban areas and residences can provide much-needed shade in the summer, reducing energy bills and fossil fuel use.
Naturally Occurring Warming
Volcanic Eruptions
Large volcanic eruptions can throw so much dust into the sky that the dust acts as a shield to solar radiation and causes a cooling trend in the atmosphere. You probably can’t remember such an eruption as they are rare and infrequent occurances.
Changes in the Earth’s solar radiation levels can have some impact on the Earth’s climate. Increased solar activity can cause short-term warming cycles on the Earth.
The Wobbly Earth
As the Earth spins, it does not achieve perfect rotation. It actually wobbles slightly, thus alternately exposing the northern and southern latitudes to more and less solar radiation. This wobble in the Earth’s rotation has been causing changes in the temperature of the atmosphere for many millions of years.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Solutions

Sandra asks…

How can we bring sustainable energy to the world? Practical and Viable solutions?

Considering the rising energy crisis in the world, What could be some solutions to shift from conventional energy sources to more reliable energy sources? Now, I would like detail on how to shift to sustainable energy. Not the types of sustainable energy.
Solutions should be logical and implementable on a global scale.
Be specific with reference to third world countries, If possible.

admin answers:

I just read an article about Bangladesh and its government backing/paying for the installation of solar panels on people’s roofs in that country over the past several years. They went from only 7000 solar-powered homes in 2002 to more than 1 million today. While I don’t condone a One-World Government for more than one reason, I do think that the people of each respective nation should continue to push for their governments to subsidize the installation of solar panels on homes, and have requirements that all NEW homes, especially new housing tracts built by developers, have enough solar panels built into the roof to run just about everything, but still be connected to “The Grid” for back-up purposes only. This would also encourage more people to buy plug-in electric vehicles secure with the knowledge that they’re not using coal-based electricity from power plants to power their vehicles.

Donna asks…

Why aren’t people investing more into sustainable energy use practices like carpooling?

Is it just because they don’t know about the ways in which they can save energy?

admin answers:

“sustainable” What’s so sustainable about it?
Well I don’t think people use common sense when talking about energy conservation.
In reality most people don’t live and work in the same area.
We are not connected to our neighbors in close net communities.
It IS inconvenient for most if not all people to have someone else drive them around.
The government shouldn’t punish us and business for being independent from one another, God I could write a book on why we don’t live the life style they wish we would live.
But it’s really irrelevant, carpooling is insignificant to the real problem.
Bio fuels, wind power and solar energy will never work.
To create enough Bio-fuel to run cars and generators to power our daily lives would require 2/3rds more land mas JUST to grow the crops neededto make the fuel, now think about how much more we will need in the future if our needs go up.
Wind power is great in windy areas, but where it is not so windy, Solar would out perform the windmills.
At the current level of solar technology we would have to cover the entire planet with solar panels to generate enough power for our needs.
Oil really is the only solution, we just don’t have the technology to implement alternative sources, it just doesn’t exist.
But yet people are asking us and the world to suffer till it becomes available..why?
Oil and gas can been burned more efficiently, but Governemnt is blocking all attempts to promote this idea..why?
To appease the environmentalist maybe?
I think we should demand that the Government stop trying to punish the oil commpanies, because it doesn’t work, it only hurts us.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Solutions

Mark asks…

Why are there no good suggestions for mitigating CO2 levels?

Most of the “solutions” to global warming are just methods to tax companies for unspecified projects to reduce global warming. Most of the suggested solutions are merely schemes to make companies pay for being big bad meanies. Why are there very few people with actual intelligent solutions for reducing the CO2 in our atmosphere? Yes, burning less fossil fuels would do that, but if we gave up fossil fuels we would have mass starvation on our hands. I’m all for sustainable alternate forms of energy, but what of other solutions, such as devising ways to absorb any extra CO2 in our atmosphere?

admin answers:

The only solution is to enjoy an atmosphere richer in CO2, which, if it continues will be beneficial for plant life… Which will benefit all life on earth.

The more CO2 there is, the more plants use it. Compared to naturally growing plants, we could have no appreciable effect at all. There’s a lot of them, not many of us.

Michael asks…

How to green power my home?

I am a father of 3 and tired of paying these outrageous energy bills monthly. We pay in the neighbourhood of 450 canadaian and its got to end! I have come to the conclusion I am going to invest in renewable energy solutions for my home. I want to FULLY remove my home from the energy grid.
I need to know exactly what I will need? I understand I need solar panels and batteries, or windgenerator and batteries but, what else? What past the batteries in the system will I need?

admin answers:

Buy a book called the Solar Living Sourcebook…

that’s a description of it, it’s about $25 but it has everything you need to know from start to finish, plus other topics / methods in sustainability/renewable energy

it’s basically the hornbook for sustainable folks…if they don’t own it then they’ve at least heard of it, i promise you that

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Solutions

Lizzie asks…

What Major should I pursue if I want to work with Green Technology?

I want to make new, more efficient, solar panels and develop green or sustainable energy sources in the future. In addition to that, I hope to make it more applicable for commercial use, such as designing a unit based for airplanes. I figure that might require an aeronautics engineering degree, but what degree would you guys recommend for studying green energy technology? Any colleges too? Not just community colleges. THANKS GUYYYYSSS

admin answers:

Hey Brandon, I have to agree with Jeff on the Aeronautics, I have a degree in that now, and I’ve found beyond understanding angle of attack on a wind turbine blade, it isn’t very useful for renewable energy studies.

If it were me, I would get a degree in thermodynamics. It sounds out there, but if you look to the future of alternative energy, that is the most common science involved. We have wood and other biomass fired boilers now that heat homes and domestic hot water, vacuum based solar collectors that use alcohol as a medium to heat water or operate hydronic floor heating units, and so on. All these things are using some kind of thermocycle system and a liquid medium. The future of large scale solar electricity is heading the same direction. The reason is simple efficiency. Solar electric panels today, while very neat, or horribly inefficient because they use only the incoming photons to drive free electrons from silicone wafers. It is very cool, but at 10 to 15 watts per square foot, most of the energy is wasted heating up the panel.

The Germans are working on a wildly new way to harness solar energy to make electricity. They are putting trough collectors in the Sahara Desert that heat oil to hundreds of degrees Celsius. This hot oil is recirculated into large insulated tanks. Then a water to oil heat exchanger is used to boil the water using the superheated oil. There are several advantages to this system, not the least of which is now we can convert over 60% of the incoming energy to electricity instead of 15%, a four fold increase. It took thermodynamics to come up with a radical solution like this. If this experiment works as well as they hope, in 10 years we should see plants like this in the US Southwest.

Geothermal heating is another example of where heating technology is going, and again, it’s the thermodynamacist that can figure this stuff out. Take a closer look at it when you have time. I wish I had a chance to go back and learn some interesting stuff like this, but I’m pretty locked into my career now. We do power our home with the wind and sun by the way, been doing it for 12 years now, it’s a good hobby and great resource, we could sure use some improvements down the road. Good luck Brandon, and take care, Rudydoo

Mark asks…

Why do people want to disprove global warming? What do they have to gain?

I am not going to debate if global warming is happening or not, but shouldnt we be looking to save our environment and rainforest anyway?

Havnt we been in an evironmental crisis since the beginning of the industrial age.?

Ultimatley shouldnt we be looking to move toward more sustainable solutions that dont harm the environment anyway despite global warming….

Isn’t renewable energy our solution to dependency on foreign oil sources and fossil fuel?

How can anyone try to discredit the importance of sustainability, the environment and renewable energy in future societies?

admin answers:

All too true… I think people don’t want to have to “cop” to the results of our actions, change and “be hassled” by doing what might be better for our environment or really just be bothered with any of it.

It seems pretty obvious that we have been destroying our environment everywhere you turn. Regardless if we were causing global warming or not, we still need to stop the destruction of all of the natural habitats of so many other creatures existing on this planet, stop ravaging the lands and using up all of these limited resources that we have and find ways to live and use resources that are replenishable enough to consider nearly limitless.

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