admin answers

Your Questions About Renewable Energy Certificates

William asks…

I have a lot of inventive ideas but no money to build a prototype, is there any company/person that can help?

I have all these inventive ideas from renewable energy to engine modifications, but my down fall is finding the right people to work with to bring this ideas to fruition. I don’t have the money to paten it let alone building a prototype. I need a reputable company or an honest individual that wouldn’t take my ideas and dump me. I have attained certificates in Electrical Engineering and Automotive Engineering and in merging these acquired knowledge I ‘ve come up with a lot of ways to make waves in the engineering department. With a couple of belts, gears and shafts a lot of modifications can be made to change the operational features of an engine. So if there is any company that you know of or any individual that would like to get into partnership with me, please contact me via email.

admin answers:

Darlin’, please be careful, there are a lot of sharks in those waters.
Write your idea down send it off in a certified letter to yourself and then hang on to it in case you ever need to prove it in court.
Same for if you do find a partner, send all info in a cert letter and then to a safety deposit box.
People will beat you unconscious for $10 .
Careful when they seem to eager to hear your ideas and give nothing in return

George asks…

Will Renewable Energy Certificates still be around after July 1 2011?

Who generates these certificates?
What do they do? Who receives the benefits of them?
Have the NSW state govt policy changes made them redundant?
Thank you.

admin answers:

You can still study Renewable Energy At my TAFE in Melbourne so i don’t see why it shouldn’t be the same in NSW

sorry that it doesn’t really answer your question.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy

Donna asks…

what does it mean to have sustainable energy and how can we achieve it?

Also Sustainable Environment, Sustainable Energy, and Sustainable Water Resources can it be achieved through recycling or is that not enough ? i understand that we have to use energy resources that are renewable but what about countries that can’t afford green energy what should they do ?

admin answers:

In order for something to be called sustainable, its present actions or uses cannot negatively impact its future integrity. The concept of sustainability can be applied in many contexts: the environment, resources, business, development etc.. To use energy as an example, the present use of fossil fuels is unsustainable since it is a limited resource that will not be available in the future. In contrasts, sources of energy like wind and solar power can be seen as more sustainable because that energy source is unlimited.
So to answer your question, although recycling is great, simply recycling is not enough to achieve environmental sustainability, also because the recycling process actually consumes a lot of energy itself.
Your next question is a tough one, because people are really divided on this subject. Some say that developing countries should be held to the same emission standards as the developed world, some say that the developed world should subsidize the development of sustainable energy sources in the developing world, some say that the developing would should be allowed to use whatever energy source is cheaply available to them and it is only the developed worlds responsibility to address the problems of high CO2 emission and climate change etc..
Personally I think it is unfair to require a country with limited means to invest in expensive forms of renewable energy rather then use the forms they have cheaply available to them in order to spur their development. However, I believe that as countries develop, it is crucial for environmental sustainability to become increasingly kept in mind during policy making.

Richard asks…

In your opinion,what issues must be considered if a country is to develop a sustainable energy policy?IMPORTAN?

In your opinion,what issues must be considered if a country is to develop a sustainable energy policy?

admin answers:

So Slobovia is considering ways to use only energy that doesn’t just go away in the future? Good for Slobovia. They should consider:

Where do we get energy now?
Can it run out in 10 or 50 years? Are we scared? If yes, then:

What sustainable sources are available?
Wind? How much wind do we get, and where? How will we deal with no-wind days?
How much would it cost to build wind turbines? How will we distribute the power to homes and businesses? How will we raise funds for that project? How do we get the politicians to agree? Will they get re-elected if they raise taxes?

Do we believe that the climate is warming due to burning fossil fuels? Is the ocean rising drowning Slobovia, or is Slobovia traped in an endless drought? Or maybe not, so we don’t care?

Ask similar questions about solar (sun) sources of power.

And the list goes on and on …

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Group

William asks…

how do I approach companies , to fund my carbon offset projects in southern africa. Our charity is reg in UK?

we want to set up projects in rural areas that use renewable energy

admin answers:

You need a web site that shows your letters of endorsement from existing organizations saying this program is needed, data that demonstrates your target group is in need whatever service it is that you want to provide and that they are not served otherwise, and a draft of what your first year’s budget would look like (what expenses you expect to incur, what you expect to pay staff, etc.). Your web site should also have a profile of those staffing your nonprofit and showing their qualifications for engaging in these type of projects. Once you have all of this, you can let representatives from international NGOs, international corporations, universities and others in the immediate area of where you are located know about this web site and your plans, and ask to meet with them about possible partnerships. Potential donors are best cultivated if you can meet with them face-to-face, and show them transparent accounting and credible data about what you are proposing and why it’s a good investment option for them. And that means looking for donors who are nearest to you geographically-speaking.

Paul asks…

What do you think is the biggest problem in our world?

For me its the fact that most countries are not getting along and there is war. Also I think that the non renewable energy resources are also a big problem.

admin answers:

Humans are animals in a constant state of denial.

Our biggest problem is our xenophobic instinct. It came in very handy when we were living as small bands of apes which competed for food. Killing strangers increased our food supply and also helped us pass on our own genes. Dead apes don’t bear children.

Sadly, our culture has become far more sophisticated than our biology has. Religion is an attempt to force us to live unnatrually as peaceful strangers, but it is just an imperfect fix. Even sadder is how humans use their intellect to pervert this stopgap into just another excuse to kill.

Perhaps it will be our culture which eventually saves us, but at a rather frightening cost. I believe we are now standing on the threshold of a new era where humans will physically begin to merge with their own technology. Genetic engineering and bio physics will probably be the forces which allows humans to live peacefully together, but we will no longer be human.

Those of us who still are will probably be on display in some future zoo. Groups of humans will wander in separate enclosures. Every now and then groups will be allowed to view one another and I suppose the visitors will enjoy watching these apes verbally assalt one another with racial hatred. Male chimpansees have to “go ape” every now and then to maintain their sanity, and I suppose humans are no different.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Development

Ruth asks…

why is it important to increase the efficient use of energy?

in terms of sustainable development
plz help

admin answers:

Even if it initially cost more, the investment in sustainable energy sources, may eventually pay off financially. But whatever demand we can take off fossil fuels will allow those resources to last longer.

George asks…

How is Obama’s absurd policy of less, but more expensive energy helping us?

Energy is the Raw Material of Prosperity…you cannot have one without the other. Why is that fact so hard for Obama to understand?

admin answers:

He does understand it. He is a globalist. He believes the US should have no more than any other country. Remember his insistence on being “fair”. Look up UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. You’ll get it.

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Definition

Robert asks…

What are some difficulties in achieving sustainable development?

Definition: Sustainable development is a pattern of economic growth in which resource use aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come.

Why is it difficult for humans to achieve sustainable development?

And why?

admin answers:

You clearly haven’t bothered thinking about this at all:

– we don’t recycle 100% of all metals, so any metals you use will not be available for future generations to use. So, by your own definition, you can’t use any metals.

– once coal, oil, or natural gas is burned, it can’t be recycled, so any coal, oil, or natural gas you use to make anything, to transport what you make, or to transport the materials will not be available for future generations. So, by your own definition, you can’t use energy that comes from coal, oil, or natural gas.

You can argue that energy comes from the sun, from wind, or from water is O.K., but you still have to build the power plants to use those energy sources and that isn’t O.K.


– there are resources that are theoretically renewable, but we are already cutting down trees faster than they grow back, so wood, lumber, etc. May be theoretically sustainable, but in practice, using them is not sustainable.

The bottom line is that we have too many people using any and all resources at far too great a rate to be sustainable, so anything additional you do is by your own definition, not sustainable.


Now you can cheat in many ways: change the definition of sustainable so that it becomes feasible; pretend that advancing technology means that in the future people will be able to do anything with whatever they happen to have left over (isn’t magic wonderful?) so it doesn’t matter what we leave for future generations; etc. Or you can admit that sustainable development is an oxymoron and work toward other goals.

Sandy asks…

What is the definition of Visual Pollution and give some examples on how to prevent it…..?

I’ve been looking for a definition of this for hours!

thank you.

admin answers:

As the saying goes, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Visual pollution is going to have different meanings to different people. Most people would agree that excessive billboards are unattractive, but some may see skyscrapers as ‘visual pollution’ (spoiling the once natural landscape), while others may love viewing their architecture. Wind Farms (large areas covered by many wind mills) would be another example of visual pollution to most people. But then we are faced with the question ‘is it worth it for the renewable energy?’

How to prevent it? Stop building. But that’s just my opinion; some people may not like the looks of trees and fields and prefer building and signs.

Here’s some info. From Wiki:

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy

Betty asks…

why is it important to have renewable energy?

Which types of renewable energy are being utilized in the US and which are in the “design” phase?

admin answers:

One type of renewable energy for cars is the hydrogen fuel cell. Hydrogen is all around us making it easy to get, plus as an added bonus it doesn’t emit any CO2 emissions. The only thing that comes out of the exhaust is water. Honda has released a hydrogen fuel cell car for lease. It’s called the Honda FCX Clarity. There are four problems that need to be overcome with this source of energy. One is to make hydrogen fuel pumps easily available. Two is to make the car travel more than two hundred miles before refueling. Third is to make the Hydrogen more safe to transport. Hydrogen is more combustional than gasoline. And forth is to make the hydrogen cost a less.

Chris asks…

I am looking for renewable energy companies that trade on the stock market?

Does any one know any renewable Energy companies that trade on the stock market. I am having a hard time finding them.
Do you have any idea how I can find any more names?

admin answers:

Yahoo Finance or MSN Money are good and free tools you can use. Just search for ‘renewable energy’ or ‘green’ companies. Good example of one start up that is getting lots of attention is Beacon Corp (BCON).

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Jobs

Michael asks…

Which Republican Candidate Supports Renewable Energy the Most?


I’m a fan of renewable energy and protecting the environment by use of solar, wind, and hydro power. Which republican candidate that is still in the running supports this idea the most?


admin answers:

None of the GOP candidates support renewable energy as a priority. They all agree we need to locate and drill new gas and oil reserves, even if it means destroying protected areas and poisoning our groundwater and air. Renewable energy is a secondary concern that needs to be researched in the event we run out of nuclear power, gas and oil.

Only our sitting President realizes that sacrifices will have to be made for the good of all and that included mainlining Renewable Energy programs and research.

Youngsters, meaning those who answered this question.

1. There are many types of renewable energy. Solar Power is only one type. Yes China can produce things cheaper than we can and their workers are available 24/7, but renewable energy is easier to produce where it is used. The GOP, including the current Candidates are in bed with the Oil and Gas Companies. Who do think is support their Pacs?

To the other answerers:
1. There are many types of renewable energy. Solar Power is only one type. Yes China can produce things cheaper than we can and there workers are available 24/, but renewable energy is easier and cheaper to produce and supply where it is used.

2. Building the sources and selling renewable energy will create more permanent jobs. The GOP is in bed with the Oil & Gas Companies companies.

3. No matter who is elected as President, you will be free to used any type of energy that is available in your area or that you can supply or build yourself. We live in a democracy.

2. Building the sources and selling renewable energy will create more permanent jobs. The GOP is in bed with the Oil & Gas Companies companies.3

3. No matter who is elected as President, you will be free to use any type of energy that is available in your area or that you can supply or build yourself. We live in a democracy.

Lisa asks…

What can I do with a degree in renewable energy?

Illinois State University has a bachelor’s degree option of Renewable Energy. What can I do with this degree if I pursue it?

admin answers:

It depends on exactly what the degree teaches you, but green energy is in higher and higher demand, and the field is on the verge of exploding. I’d say it’s an excellent degree to get as far as job opportunities after graduation.

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Certificates

Lisa asks…

Am able to create Renewable energy certificates?

I recently bought a house that has a solar system installed. It’s one that feeds power into the grid.

Am I able to create REC’s? I stumbled accross some info online today, and so far it seems a confusing mess to me, It did seem to indicate that renewable energy from solar systems allows you to create REC’s which can then be sold.

admin answers:

Yes it’s possible, check this

Donna asks…

what is Renewable Energy Certificate Programs?

what is Renewable Energy Certificate Programs?

admin answers:

They are programs designed to give you the training needed to pass entry level certification in renewable energy fields.
NAPCEP is on of the best known independent testing bodies, and many companies are available to provide training.

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Certificates

Joseph asks…

What kinds of jobs can this renewable energy certificate get me?

The courses that are required are chemistry fundamentals, basic electricity, applied alternative and renewable energy, and technical math 2. It’s a 14 credit program.

admin answers:

Go to

Maria asks…

What kind of jobs can this renewable energy certificate get me?

The courses that are required are chemistry fundamentals, basic electricity, applied alternative and renewable energy, and technical math 2. It’s a 14 credit program.
Thanks for the spam. I reported you.

admin answers:

Perhaps as an aide to ——

Agricultural scientists.
Some types of
scientists work to improve agriculture.
Crop scientists study the genetic breeding
and management of field crops. Soil sci-
entists use soil physics, soil chemistry,
and soil microbiology to enhance soil fer-
tility and the growth of plants. Agrono-
mists develop practical applications for
discoveries in plant and soil science to
produce high quality food.
Other scientists
. There are many other
branches of science. Geologists study the
history and composition of our planet, in-
cluding volcanoes and earthquakes.
Oceanographers study the oceans and
their movements. Meteorologists study
the atmosphere, and some make weather
predictions. Astronomers study the uni-
verse, trying to gain knowledge about the
stars, planets, and galaxies.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Definition

Chris asks…

What is environment-friendly product for you?

Hi guys, it’s a survey that i have to do.
I have few questions for you.
What is environment-friendly product in your own definition?
Are you willing to pay more for “green” products?
Why or why not?
Please also specify your field of study or work and age (if that is ok with you)

Thanks a lot people.
Your help is really appreciated.

admin answers:

I use many environmentally friendly products. Most cost less, but I would pay more. I look at a couple of factors, does it contain suspected harmful chemicals, is it made of natural materials, are the materials aquired in a sustainable fashion and how far did it have to travel to get here. Some items don’t meet this criteria so I consider if I actually need it and will it save energy.

I’m a 40’s mom who has dramatically reduced the number of known and suspected toxins in my cleaning and body care products. I buy organic local food and organic fabrics as much as possible. I have invested in solar and energy saving items and have saved a lot of money in the process.

Nancy asks…

Which of these is a sustainable energy source?

(a) Natural gas
(b) wood
(c) coal

I require the answer for an online competition with prizes. Does anyone know?

admin answers:

It depends on your definition of sustainable. We have limited supply of all of the above…

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy

Joseph asks…

What kind of Engineer deals with coming up with new ways to use renewable energy?

When i say renewable energy i mean like solar power, wind power, hydroelectric power . Is there a certain type of engineer who works in these areas? Where is a good place to go to school for this type of Engineering.

admin answers:

Renewable energy is a specialized area of engineering. There is no engineering degree that focuses solely on renewable energy. The closest ones that I can think of are Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. The principles of chemical reactions are important in the study of energy. But to design and construct the harnessing devices requires knowledge of mechanical engineering.

Every engineer is taught the basics of every engineering discipline so even Computer Engineers can qualify if they specialize beyond their undergraduate education.

If you live in the Philippines, the best school to go to is of course the University of the Philippines. Among private universities, De La Salle University – Manila is best, followed by MAPUA. Ateneo De Manila’s engineering is handled by the Physics department as I have been told so I would be hesitant towards that school. The University of Sto. Tomas seems to have strong engineering background as well, but I have no certainty about that. In choosing the right school, accreditation of the engineering department and not just the school accreditation is important.

Mark asks…

What would happen to all the existing gasoline automobiles if renewable energy took over?

I’m not saying I’m against renewable energy. I’m just wondering – what would everybody do with their car that runs on regular gas?

admin answers:

I think we are a long way from renewable energy replacing the combustion engine. When I think of renewable energy I think of electricity for houses and businesses. But when we do settle on one or a few technologies to replace the conventional gas engine. I think there will be a transitional period where new cars will have the new technology but we will still have the infrastructure for gas engines, it could take decades to phase out the older cars.

Here in CA we have tougher emissions laws, so if you have an older car you could get an exemption for not passing emissions, it was a program that let just the oldest cars be exempt, then every few years they let a few more years be exempt. Now all the cars that were sold after the date the laws went into effect have to pass smog, if you didn’t buy the car in CA then you will need to get a catalytic converter put on it to pass. Millions of cars are junked each year, when you turn in an old clunker when you buy a new car they are often sold for scrap and they are taken off the road. All that being said, to say that people won’t be forced to convert cars or get rid of them for many many years.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Systems

Betty asks…

Is there a perfect location on earth to place a utopia so it can be self sustainable?

I’m doing a project for my 8th grade social studies class on creating a perfect utopia.
Our “political” system would require us to be left alone with no debt to other countries so I need it to be self sustainable. Like is there a current country in the world or spot where a city could get the basic necessary living conditions just from the land. Like lakes or wind for energy and food. Good temperature for a descent harvest to sustain about 5,000 people?

admin answers:

An island in the Pacific Ocean, like Hawaii. The people called Polynesians traveled in crude boats from Asia to Pacific Islands as far back as 3000 years ago and lived in self sustained societies on some of them. They had simple resource demands, but if they could do it I’m sure we could in the modern age. An island usually has mountains that get lots of rainfall for water, land for crops, and plenty of ocean wind to power wind turbines. As long as the utopia was provided with enough raw materials at the start it could definitely sustain itself. 5,000 is not that many people. The food and resource demands for them would be perfect on an island. Saint Helena is an example of an island settlement that really exists in the Atlantic Ocean and is almost self sustaining.

William asks…

Human population will soon grow to 9 billlion. What could trigger a massive die-off of this overpopulation?

It seems that this population is sustainable only if relative energy sources remain available. It seems that a massive die-off could occur if present living conditions can be maintained. I think that we (and our children) will face problems that we will be unable to withstand unless far-sighted planning takes place.

admin answers:

We can plan all we want here in the civilized part of the world. The problem is in the third world. These people do not live they barely exist. If there is going to be a catastrophe they will feel it first and then it will spread to the rest of us, via air, sea, and environmental transport. The best thing to do is make sure your immune system is working at full capacity and hope people all over the world stop killing each other off and concentrate on creating a true wholesome life style.

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Definition

Chris asks…

How does energy efficiency and lowering energy consumption affect..?

How does energy efficiency and lowering energy consumption affect people on a local, national, international scale? In both positive and negative ways.

10 points to anyone who manages to give the most points!!

admin answers:

Less fossil fuel burning, improved energy security, improved energy independence, reduced foreign fuel import, etc.


James asks…

I need to no what conventional and alternative energy is?

I have this huge geography test tomorrow and i was away alot of the time for this class so i didnt get any of the notes i need so i need to no everything possiable about the following :
conventional energy
alternative energy

Anything will help!


admin answers:

I’ll give you one to get you started.

Alternative energy is energy derived from sources that do not harm the environment or deplete the Earth’s natural resources. Typical sources include wind and solar. Nuclear power is usually excluded from this definition.

Related pages

* Renewable energy
* Sustainable energy
* Future energy development
* Alternative fuel vehicle
* Geothermal power
* Ocean energy

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Definition

Richard asks…

Define the factors that make a society sustainable?

Is our society sustainable?

admin answers:

A society is sustainable when it can survive indefinitely. This may seem like a broad definition, but it really gets to the heart of it. A society becomes sustainable when all the processes and methods it uses for continuation of economic, social, environmental, and institutional aspects will remain feasible in the future.

Our society, right now, is not sustainable. I could go on for hours, but one of the major problems is our reliance on oil and coal. It is sustainable short term, but these are not renewable resources, so in the long run we will run out. This is one aspect of the green movement, is trying to switch over to renewable energy (ie wind, water, solar, geothermal, etc). We are also slowly but surely killing off the environment. Actually, the Wikipedia article on sustainability is a very accurate and helpful one, and I judge this based off of a few years of studying sustainability and sustainable technologies.


Maria asks…

How does an open system contrast with a closed system?

A) An open system is prone to collapse, while a closed system is typically more sustainable in the long term
B) An open system is open to scientific scrutiny, while a closed system is not
C) An open system is able to convert energy from one form to another, while a closed system is not able to do so
D) An open system exchanges energy and/or materials with its surroundings, while a closed system does not

admin answers:


That’s the definition of open vs. Closed. A closed system is self-contained. An open system gets inputs from and gives outputs to the part of the world outside it.

However, bear in mind that to some extent, it’s a matter of definition. A nuclear power plant might be considered a closed system, on the power source side anyway, by considering the atomic pile part of the system. And at the same time, the same people might consider a coal plant open on the power source side because of the constant feed of coal from the world. In truth, that’s more of a defined difference. The atomic pile, for instance, might need refueling only every several years while the coal plant needs it every second, but they both still need refueling from the world outside the system.

Time IS a major factor in defining open vs. Closed. In a related way, so is the ease with which the transfers occur. And often one defines something as closed because the aspects of it that are open are not of concern to the definer.

Of course, there’s no truly closed system. Most wouldn’t be much use anyway. And nature is notoriously leaky when it builds systems so built-by-chance doesn’t really produce anything close to closed either.

However, one should also point out that the other three choices are incorrect. So D) is the answer for positive and negative reasons both.

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy World

Richard asks…

Instead of funding the Gulf Coast war to secure oil, should the US have focused on renewable energies?

Instead of provoking war with Iran and Iraq, causing thousands of deaths, to ensure control over the Gulf Region’s oil reserves (understandably because it holds an estimated 65% of all the world’s natural oil supply), we could have instead focused our funds on research into renewable energies, As the world moves toward renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydrogen, Saudi Arabia and the gulf region will have less influence over the world’s energy supply.

“If we really decided that we wanted a clean hydrogen economy, we could have it by 2010”

-US National Renewable Energy Laboratory Researcher, April 2001
@Ken: Bush slashed annual spending for energy efficiency and renewables but had no problem with preparing for a war that costed around $200 billion.

admin answers:

So what would you propose we use in the time until renewable energy is ready for wide scale use? It’s not like we can throw a bunch of money at it and have available right away. Even if they did invest all the money spent on the Gulf War (not “Gulf Coast” – that’s the coat along the Gulf of Mexico), we still would be years away fro wide scale use. And what would you propose for those people that can’t afford to purchase new cars using this new renewable energy source? Do we tell them they have to go without? Or would we have the government provide them with new cars, using taxpayer money to pay for them?

I don’t think the Gulf War was handle very well, and could have been done differently. But the oil was only one part of it. There was a lot of other reasons for the war.

Betty asks…

How and where to start a thesis related to sustainability and renewable energy?

I want to do my Bachelor’s thesis in the field of Sustainability and Renewable Energy in an economical perspective (e.g. how to apply it in our society without given up something) . But how to start?

admin answers:

What we are envisaging is:
all that is required- from fur, fuel, to fun, entertainments are self sufficient. It is possible in an understanding community, with proper planning for all – from animal breeding, herbs, crops, for computers, contact lenses, etc. Etc… , as in the old civilizations. While those generations used hardly a few k calories/day/person, & the population was not much, our set up, with much more population, mostly illiterate, uneducated
[ educated world only contributes even now for the NON SUSTAINABILITY, AND ECOLOGICAL DESTRUCTIONS, & IMBALANCES ! ] , set up, the sustainability CONCEPT is a tough thing to attain. Youngsters like you only can save whatever is available now for the next generations !

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Technologies

Linda asks…

Who is down for using permaculture and new sustainable energy technology to put corporations out of business?

Come on, now. We can do better than following the destructive plans of corporations and governments.
I’m doing it, and I think you should too.

admin answers:

You are not about to put large corporations out of business. I am just being a realist. They are not ignoring the new technologies, they are using warfare tactics to maintain their place in the market.

Permaculture in itself is not a bad idea, and something you really adopt for other reasons, but don’t expect to put any corporations out of business. More than likely they will be able to push for legislation to outlaw home gardening- and if you read the new “food safety” law- your home gardening days are numbered.

Books you should read:
“Seeds of Deception”
“Seeds of Destruction”

Videos you should watch:
“Sweet Misery” (a history of Aspartame and how it managed to get FDA approval via political leverage.
“The World According to Monsanto”
“Monsanto: Patent for a Pig”
“Food Inc”

And there are many more. Do not expect to see them on US television, the influence of Monsanto is too great for that.

I can hear Granny now- “…Ya aint gettin ma seeds! Ya can try pry my tomato seeds out of my cold dead hands!….”

Lizzie asks…

can anyone give me a Research on a new found sustainable energy? easy 10 points?

I just need to report it tomorrow, i had research this “Technology Harvests Energy from Railroad Train Vibrations” but it is short. Any ideas?

admin answers:

Look into the fairweather field…it is an electric field that is around us all the time. A very long looped wire simply placed in this electric field experiences a current.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy

Steven asks…

What are some methods of sustainable energy?

What are some methods of sustainable energy? a method that can be researched and enough information can be written about it


admin answers:

How to get water in a waterless area with out resort to wells or pumps.

How to get electricity in an area not served by the grid again without resort to generators.

Growing your own food.

Almost anything and every thing you do or need as most of it relies on energy from sources outside of yourself that are not sustainable.

Michael asks…

Does anyone know of a good car donation charity that goes towards promoting sustainable energy?

I live in Minnesota and have looked at options for donating my car which is a 1996 Pontiac Grand Am that still runs good except for the entire muffler/exhaust system came detatched and I am not willing to pay for it to get fixed. I’m having difficulty finding charities online that contribute to sustainable energy or something of the latter.

admin answers:

I dont know of any for contributing to sustainable energy,But Our Lady Of The Wayside helps with mentally challenged Adults perhaps you would reconsider where you would want your donation to help.(its tax deductible)

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy

Thomas asks…

What universities offer online courses in renewable energy or green related fileds?

I am interested in the renewable energy, green field, etc. And i want to know if there are some universities offering these kind of online courses.

admin answers:

All courses and degrees dealing with “renewable energy” or “green field” without prerequisite degrees in Science or Engineering are bullbleep.

Students need a background in Science or Engineering (preferably Engineering) before they can understand energy issues. Otherwise, graduates of these phony courses just become loud and ignorant shrieking nuisances.

Michael asks…

When are republicans going to start supporting renewable energy?

Republicans are the biggest opponents of renewable energy legislation in Washington right now. Why?

admin answers:

We do support renewable energy. The sources of renewable energy are just not reliable and we do not have enough of any of them right now. What most republicans want is for there to be a comprehensive energy package with nothing off the table. That means drilling, solar, nuclear, wind and whatever other sources can be invented or created. We are not slaves to the environmentalists who want only so-called clean energy. Democrats seem to be in the environmentalists pockets and are not willing to discuss anything except what the environmentalists will accept.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Solutions

Sandra asks…

How can we bring sustainable energy to the world? Practical and Viable solutions?

Considering the rising energy crisis in the world, What could be some solutions to shift from conventional energy sources to more reliable energy sources? Now, I would like detail on how to shift to sustainable energy. Not the types of sustainable energy.
Solutions should be logical and implementable on a global scale.
Be specific with reference to third world countries, If possible.

admin answers:

I just read an article about Bangladesh and its government backing/paying for the installation of solar panels on people’s roofs in that country over the past several years. They went from only 7000 solar-powered homes in 2002 to more than 1 million today. While I don’t condone a One-World Government for more than one reason, I do think that the people of each respective nation should continue to push for their governments to subsidize the installation of solar panels on homes, and have requirements that all NEW homes, especially new housing tracts built by developers, have enough solar panels built into the roof to run just about everything, but still be connected to “The Grid” for back-up purposes only. This would also encourage more people to buy plug-in electric vehicles secure with the knowledge that they’re not using coal-based electricity from power plants to power their vehicles.

Donna asks…

Why aren’t people investing more into sustainable energy use practices like carpooling?

Is it just because they don’t know about the ways in which they can save energy?

admin answers:

“sustainable” What’s so sustainable about it?
Well I don’t think people use common sense when talking about energy conservation.
In reality most people don’t live and work in the same area.
We are not connected to our neighbors in close net communities.
It IS inconvenient for most if not all people to have someone else drive them around.
The government shouldn’t punish us and business for being independent from one another, God I could write a book on why we don’t live the life style they wish we would live.
But it’s really irrelevant, carpooling is insignificant to the real problem.
Bio fuels, wind power and solar energy will never work.
To create enough Bio-fuel to run cars and generators to power our daily lives would require 2/3rds more land mas JUST to grow the crops neededto make the fuel, now think about how much more we will need in the future if our needs go up.
Wind power is great in windy areas, but where it is not so windy, Solar would out perform the windmills.
At the current level of solar technology we would have to cover the entire planet with solar panels to generate enough power for our needs.
Oil really is the only solution, we just don’t have the technology to implement alternative sources, it just doesn’t exist.
But yet people are asking us and the world to suffer till it becomes available..why?
Oil and gas can been burned more efficiently, but Governemnt is blocking all attempts to promote this idea..why?
To appease the environmentalist maybe?
I think we should demand that the Government stop trying to punish the oil commpanies, because it doesn’t work, it only hurts us.

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Content

Thomas asks…

How can the use of alternative sources of energy be encouraged?

“US President Barack Obama said on Saturday that his administration will hand out nearly $2 billion (£1.3bn) for new solar plants that will create thousands of jobs and increase the use of renewable energy sources.”

admin answers:

Yes anything that reduces western democracys dependency on oil should be encouraged

Charles asks…

What are some advantages and disadvantages of using Chocolate as a alternative fuel?

So I am doing a essay on Alternative fuels. I came up with chocolate but, what are some advantages and disadvantages with using chocolate? For a advantage I came up with we are using renewable energy or in other words recycling and I can’t seem to find a disadvantage! Is there a issue with air pollution with this Alternative fuel as well?

admin answers:

The disadvantages are that the amount of chocolate needed to fuel a vehicle is too heavy to transport. Plus using chocolate for fuel would cause the price of chocolate to rise.

The advantages are that chocolate is a renewable fuel since it comes from coco beans. Chocolate might also smell bad when it is burnt as fuel.

If it is to be used a s a fuel you have to find out the BTU content.

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