Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Solutions

Sandra asks…

How can we bring sustainable energy to the world? Practical and Viable solutions?

Considering the rising energy crisis in the world, What could be some solutions to shift from conventional energy sources to more reliable energy sources? Now, I would like detail on how to shift to sustainable energy. Not the types of sustainable energy.
Solutions should be logical and implementable on a global scale.
Be specific with reference to third world countries, If possible.

admin answers:

I just read an article about Bangladesh and its government backing/paying for the installation of solar panels on people’s roofs in that country over the past several years. They went from only 7000 solar-powered homes in 2002 to more than 1 million today. While I don’t condone a One-World Government for more than one reason, I do think that the people of each respective nation should continue to push for their governments to subsidize the installation of solar panels on homes, and have requirements that all NEW homes, especially new housing tracts built by developers, have enough solar panels built into the roof to run just about everything, but still be connected to “The Grid” for back-up purposes only. This would also encourage more people to buy plug-in electric vehicles secure with the knowledge that they’re not using coal-based electricity from power plants to power their vehicles.

Donna asks…

Why aren’t people investing more into sustainable energy use practices like carpooling?

Is it just because they don’t know about the ways in which they can save energy?

admin answers:

“sustainable” What’s so sustainable about it?
Well I don’t think people use common sense when talking about energy conservation.
In reality most people don’t live and work in the same area.
We are not connected to our neighbors in close net communities.
It IS inconvenient for most if not all people to have someone else drive them around.
The government shouldn’t punish us and business for being independent from one another, God I could write a book on why we don’t live the life style they wish we would live.
But it’s really irrelevant, carpooling is insignificant to the real problem.
Bio fuels, wind power and solar energy will never work.
To create enough Bio-fuel to run cars and generators to power our daily lives would require 2/3rds more land mas JUST to grow the crops neededto make the fuel, now think about how much more we will need in the future if our needs go up.
Wind power is great in windy areas, but where it is not so windy, Solar would out perform the windmills.
At the current level of solar technology we would have to cover the entire planet with solar panels to generate enough power for our needs.
Oil really is the only solution, we just don’t have the technology to implement alternative sources, it just doesn’t exist.
But yet people are asking us and the world to suffer till it becomes available..why?
Oil and gas can been burned more efficiently, but Governemnt is blocking all attempts to promote this idea..why?
To appease the environmentalist maybe?
I think we should demand that the Government stop trying to punish the oil commpanies, because it doesn’t work, it only hurts us.

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