Daily Archives: February 26, 2018

Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Development

Donald asks…

Who implements sustainable development plan in Europe?

I am interested to know who implements the plan in European countries, and if it is possible even in USA and other countries?

admin answers:

* The European Energy and Climate Policy:
=> Proposed by the Directorate General of Environment (DG ENV) and the Directorate for Energy (both part of the Commission)
=> Based on approaches and recommandations/inputs from independant private consultants
=> Input from the civil society (industry lobbies and NGOs as well)
=> Final legislative package decided by the directorates
=> Vote by the EU Parliament
=> Once a directive has been implemented by the parliament it is mandated that national states translate it into their national law.

* National laws of EU countries:
* For example, garuanteed purchase price for renewable electricity (as first implemented in Germany), known as “feed-in tariff
* Based on EU aggregated goal for renewable energy (20% by 2020) and the split of the effort into national goals
* Put in national legislations

Some US states and even developing countries (total of 50 countries) have adopted equivalents of the european concept of feed-in tariff for renewable power generation

Low chances of similar sustainable development goals in the US as a result of MUCH MORE DIFFICULT AND SLOW POLICY MAKING. The reasons are: dogma of parties, low consensus, low interest and off course the lobbying of established industries which prefer to fight change than to adapt.

Carol asks…

What are some reliable websites to learn about environmental sustainability?

I’m writing a paper for my Advanced Composition class and this subject is the basis of the entire course. My paper will require me to explain at least two topics of sustainability that interest me, whether they stem from agriculture, ecology, energy, economics or urban development. I’d like to get a broad amount of information…. any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

admin answers:


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