Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Technologies

Nancy asks…

Who is responsible for the stagnating of energy technology?

We are still using fossil fuels and coal, technologies from the 19th century

admin answers:

To some extent, WE THE PEOPLE are demanding it.
Given that we demand cars that accelerate 0 – 60 in a few seconds and
also SUVs that can carry the whole tribe + camping gear and still cruse
at 80 … We demand JET AIRLINE transport that makes possible
breakfast in L.A. And dinner in Miami on the same day.
We demand ever faster computer toys & ever larger HD TVs
( TV = Propaganda machine ) anyhow …

WE all know that consumerism is NOT sustainable, however
every “black Friday” there is a stampede to get into the mall and buy stuff!
Little plastic things & all sorts of crap! The modern world is overloaded!

The levels of consumption are appalling and nobody is backing down from their
level of consumption …. I got MINE & I’m hanging on to it, everybody else can

Its a sick sad world!

Lisa asks…

What sustainable energy sources that make use of traffic are available for purchase?

I see that there are some in the making (i.e. speed bumps tech) but I can’t see any that someone can buy now. Know of any?

admin answers:


You might look at experimenting with Piezo technology- the technology of your microwave pressure transducer beeper, and more often stereo tweeters.

It is a family of compounds that compress or expand depending on alloy, and they will produce current when stressed as well- which is how your digital point of purchase scales work. (accelerometers)

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