Your Questions About Renewable Energy Jobs

Robert asks…

What would be a better alternative to bailing out the auto industry?

In WWII, the car manufacturers as well as other industries stopped manufacturing their usual products and manufactured war craft instead. Industrial equipment such as that at the automobile factories can be used to manufacture other things. My idea would be to use the money that the government would have given to the auto industry to maintain the status quo to a sustainable industry. For example, the government could subsidize renewable energy engineers that could design windmills and power plants that could be built using the equipment abandoned by the auto makers. What else could we do with the money that would go to the automakers? How can we promote a sustainable industry and keep people from losing their jobs?

admin answers:

The solution wouldn’t be as simple as just having them work on renewable energy. While part of the problem is the product they are offering (sales of SUVs and the like plummeted this year for instance), part of the problem is the CEOs of these companies. They have made bad decisions and have been greedy. They take home millions upon millions, but cry poor and close factories. I remember hearing that when Daimler and Chrysler merged, the head of Daimler was embarrassed or shocked when he found out what the head of Chrysler was making because that wasn’t how things were done in Germany.

They do need to work on products that can take us forward, but they also need to clean house.

Richard asks…

What environmental jobs can I get with this major and minors?

I have a major in environmental studies and a minor in biology and a minor in environmental land-use planning. What types of careers can I get that would pay the most money? I was thinking something either with renewable energy and environmental policy or becoming an environmental planner. Open to any suggestions! P.S. I would like to own my own business one day.

admin answers:

City government would probably embrace your ambition. Then a job as a consultant to a City would be a next step.

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