fossil fuel

Your Questions About Renewable Energy Companies

Jenny asks…

How do Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) work?

Is it an incentive to use renewable energy?

admin answers:

The basic idea that people who feel bad about something can buy them to get rid of the guilt.

The way that they work is that a very small amount (much less than the subsidies and tax breaks given to politically correct energy) of money goes to those who operate a wind turbine or solar panel (or even methane gas recovery systems at landfills, sometimes things that would have to be built regardless of whether any carbon credits were sold), the amount of money that the carbon offset actually provides is really too small to actually encourage use of politically correct energy, especially when you consider how much bigger the subsidies are (and they really are over-subsidised compared to how much energy they produce).

Of course there are renewable energy credit systems that do actually help, just that they cost so much more that the frauds out compete them (and governments don’t seem too interested in keeping that sector honest, some such schemes are actually run by the government, including some that sell more renewable energy than they actually generate (in other areas of the economy the word used for that is fraud)).

The main purposes that renewable energy credits serve are to act as indulgences and to help fool people into believing that fossil fuels can be replaced without using nuclear power (which thereby prevents fossil fuels from actually being replaced and keeps the coal and oil companies in business).

James asks…

University major in renewable energy social marketing?

I am looking for a university that has something to do with communication, marketing, and basically just telling companies to use renewable energy and which is suitable.
NOTE: I am NOT looking for anything related to engineering and such

What I need:
1. The majors surrounding the renewable energy in social marketing, etc.
2. The best universities in that major on renewable energy

Thank you so much, my future depends on the information!

admin answers:

Information is below.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy

Donna asks…

what does it mean to have sustainable energy and how can we achieve it?

Also Sustainable Environment, Sustainable Energy, and Sustainable Water Resources can it be achieved through recycling or is that not enough ? i understand that we have to use energy resources that are renewable but what about countries that can’t afford green energy what should they do ?

admin answers:

In order for something to be called sustainable, its present actions or uses cannot negatively impact its future integrity. The concept of sustainability can be applied in many contexts: the environment, resources, business, development etc.. To use energy as an example, the present use of fossil fuels is unsustainable since it is a limited resource that will not be available in the future. In contrasts, sources of energy like wind and solar power can be seen as more sustainable because that energy source is unlimited.
So to answer your question, although recycling is great, simply recycling is not enough to achieve environmental sustainability, also because the recycling process actually consumes a lot of energy itself.
Your next question is a tough one, because people are really divided on this subject. Some say that developing countries should be held to the same emission standards as the developed world, some say that the developed world should subsidize the development of sustainable energy sources in the developing world, some say that the developing would should be allowed to use whatever energy source is cheaply available to them and it is only the developed worlds responsibility to address the problems of high CO2 emission and climate change etc..
Personally I think it is unfair to require a country with limited means to invest in expensive forms of renewable energy rather then use the forms they have cheaply available to them in order to spur their development. However, I believe that as countries develop, it is crucial for environmental sustainability to become increasingly kept in mind during policy making.

Richard asks…

In your opinion,what issues must be considered if a country is to develop a sustainable energy policy?IMPORTAN?

In your opinion,what issues must be considered if a country is to develop a sustainable energy policy?

admin answers:

So Slobovia is considering ways to use only energy that doesn’t just go away in the future? Good for Slobovia. They should consider:

Where do we get energy now?
Can it run out in 10 or 50 years? Are we scared? If yes, then:

What sustainable sources are available?
Wind? How much wind do we get, and where? How will we deal with no-wind days?
How much would it cost to build wind turbines? How will we distribute the power to homes and businesses? How will we raise funds for that project? How do we get the politicians to agree? Will they get re-elected if they raise taxes?

Do we believe that the climate is warming due to burning fossil fuels? Is the ocean rising drowning Slobovia, or is Slobovia traped in an endless drought? Or maybe not, so we don’t care?

Ask similar questions about solar (sun) sources of power.

And the list goes on and on …

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Development

Ruth asks…

why is it important to increase the efficient use of energy?

in terms of sustainable development
plz help

admin answers:

Even if it initially cost more, the investment in sustainable energy sources, may eventually pay off financially. But whatever demand we can take off fossil fuels will allow those resources to last longer.

George asks…

How is Obama’s absurd policy of less, but more expensive energy helping us?

Energy is the Raw Material of Prosperity…you cannot have one without the other. Why is that fact so hard for Obama to understand?

admin answers:

He does understand it. He is a globalist. He believes the US should have no more than any other country. Remember his insistence on being “fair”. Look up UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. You’ll get it.

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Group

Maria asks…

What are the different viewpoints on the use of fossil fuels?

Hello, I am struggling to find viewpoints of the following people:

– Environmentalist
– MEDC (More Economically Developed Countries) Governments
– LEDC (Less Economically Developed Countries) Governments
Energy Companies
– Consumers
– Oil Producing Countries
– TNC’s Shell? BP?

Can you please give me a few websites which:
-explains why different groups have opinions on the consumption of fossil fuels
– says whether they think fossil fuels should be used in the future and given reasons why
(considers advantages and disadvantages of using fossil fuels vs renewable energy sources)

admin answers:

Smart: They’re useful, effective and can be used responsibly.

Hypocrisy: You shouldn’t use fossil fuels. I’d like to talk more, but I have to put my family on two different private jets to fly to Hawaii for a 17 mllion dollar taxpayer funded vacation. (You Americans have just gotten soft and lazy.) Electricity prices are going to skyrocket to when I drive coal out of business.

Idiot: We should all ride bicycles and not use any oil at all. (Oh… You mean my clothes, computer and bike tires are made of oil…. Oh.)

Sharon asks…

What is a good Current Event to give a speech on?

So my partner and I are assigned to create a collaborative speech on a current event/ issue. The speech needs to have some kind of debate within to allow group discussion after. For example We were thinking of doing Renewable Energy Sources but we couldnt find anything to argue against it or something,

Thanks for the help!!

admin answers:

With renewable energy source here are so cons: Cost is to high, not enough technology available to make it worthwhile, how long will it take for it to be profitable, and not enough big business is behind to make research worth the effort.

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Definition

Carol asks…

Do the leftwingers like sticking a giant middle finger in those who sacrificed to make our lives better?

Dinosaurs sacrificed their bodies to become our fuel, but liberals don’t want to use fossil fuels. That’s right; dinosaurs, which are one of the definitions of AWESOME in the dictionary, are being told to go away by the liberals.

Using renewable energy is the same thing as saying “**** YOU!” to the dinosaurs. FACT.

admin answers:

That fossil fuel is also responsible for polluting this world. We accept that we’re still dependent on fossil fuel, but we are also exploring non-polluting energy resources.

Jenny asks…

What real experience (not self serving or self promoting) is Hillary Clinton talking about?

Clinton as made the statement “since when has experience become bad?”
What experience does she have? If she were not married to Bill Clinton, is there anything she has done that would associate her name with: women’s rights? Health care? Children’s advocacy? Homeland security? Renewable energy?

Other than taking donations in exchange political favors that usually means the working class will be paying for it, what has she actually done in ther alleged career?

admin answers:

In a news conference Deanna Favre announced she will be the starting QB for the Packers this coming Sunday. Deanna asserts that she is qualified to be starting QB because she has spent the past 16 years married to Brett while he played QB for the Packers. During this period of time she became familiar with the definition of a corner blitz, and is now
completely comfortable with other terminology of the Packers offense. A survey of Packers fans shows that 50% of those polled supported the move.
Does this sounds idiotic and unbelievable to you? Well, Hillary Clinton makes the same claims as to why she is qual ified to be President and 50% of democrats polled agreed. She has never run a City, County, or State.

When told Hillary Clinton has experience because she has 8-years in the White House, Dick Morris stated, ‘So has the pastry chef.’

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Solutions

Mark asks…

Why are there no good suggestions for mitigating CO2 levels?

Most of the “solutions” to global warming are just methods to tax companies for unspecified projects to reduce global warming. Most of the suggested solutions are merely schemes to make companies pay for being big bad meanies. Why are there very few people with actual intelligent solutions for reducing the CO2 in our atmosphere? Yes, burning less fossil fuels would do that, but if we gave up fossil fuels we would have mass starvation on our hands. I’m all for sustainable alternate forms of energy, but what of other solutions, such as devising ways to absorb any extra CO2 in our atmosphere?

admin answers:

The only solution is to enjoy an atmosphere richer in CO2, which, if it continues will be beneficial for plant life… Which will benefit all life on earth.

The more CO2 there is, the more plants use it. Compared to naturally growing plants, we could have no appreciable effect at all. There’s a lot of them, not many of us.

Michael asks…

How to green power my home?

I am a father of 3 and tired of paying these outrageous energy bills monthly. We pay in the neighbourhood of 450 canadaian and its got to end! I have come to the conclusion I am going to invest in renewable energy solutions for my home. I want to FULLY remove my home from the energy grid.
I need to know exactly what I will need? I understand I need solar panels and batteries, or windgenerator and batteries but, what else? What past the batteries in the system will I need?

admin answers:

Buy a book called the Solar Living Sourcebook…

that’s a description of it, it’s about $25 but it has everything you need to know from start to finish, plus other topics / methods in sustainability/renewable energy

it’s basically the hornbook for sustainable folks…if they don’t own it then they’ve at least heard of it, i promise you that

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