Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Fund
Sandra asks…
What is the difference between democrats and republicans?
What is the difference between democrats and republicans? I really don’t understand the difference and why some people hate republicans and why some people hate democrats.
admin answers:
These are only broad generalizations and any one Democrat or Republican may differ from their party on a particular issue.
Abortion – Democrats believe a woman should be allowed to terminate a pregnancy, Republicans support the life of the fetus
Homosexuality – Democrats wish to extend rights to homosexuals (right to adopt, legalize civil unions or same-sex marriage, right to serve openly in the military), Republicans believe granting rights to homosexuals will destroy the traditional (man + woman) family structure and harm children
Guns – Republicans oppose most gun control laws. Most Democrats support some measure of gun control, though this varies widely from politician to politician. Many are in complete agreement with Republicans, many would be satisfied with only stricter enforcement of current laws and closing the gun-show loophole, and many want further restricted access.
Environment – Democrats are in favor of policies that would limit the omission of carbon dioxide and develop sustainable energy. This is an area where many Republicans disagree with each other. Some deny there is climate change, some accept climate change but do not this human activity is responsible, and some accept that human activity has led to climate change. Of those in the last group, some support government action to reduce human impact on the environment, others do not.
Taxes: Democrats favor of a more progressive tax system (one in which a person pays a larger percentage the more they make) and want to raise taxes on those making $250,000 per year or more. Republicans favor keeping taxes at the levels passed under President Bush or cutting them. This is one area where the rhetoric of both parties does not match well with the numbers, as the actual difference in percentages is quite small (about 4% for the top bracket) when compared with historical income tax data.
Public spending: Both parties support continuing Medicare. Most Democrats support some expansion of government health coverage. Republicans oppose further government involvement in the health sector. Democrats support more funding for food stamps, unemployment, Medicaid etc. Than do the Republicans. Democrats support continuing government-run Social Security. Republicans have a mixed record and under President Bush pushed the idea of Social Security privatization. Democrats are in favor of spending on infrastructure. Some Republicans favor these programs and some do not.
Labor: Democrats support the Employee Free Choice Act while Republicans believe it would lead to coercion on the part of unions and harm businesses. Democrats favor raising the minimum wage while many Republicans feel this would also harm businesses.
Corporate regulations: Democrats generally favor increased regulations in the private sector. Republicans generally oppose restriction on the free market.
Government spending in general: Both parties, particularly the Republicans, vocally support curtailing government spending. However, neither party does much on this front. In modern times, Presidents Reagan and George W. Bush have been the highest spenders in percentage of GDP. Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Clinton have been some of the more fiscally conservative. President Obama’s first year in office was marked by high spending. Democrats say this spending was necessary, using the New Deal as a historical model. Republicans say that increasing the debt will further harm the economy. Both parties usually blame the other when it comes to spending.
Foreign policy and homeland security:
Iraq: Many Democrats supported the invasion, many did not. Democrats have favored deescalation since before the 2004 elections. Agreements to begin the withdrawal of troops were begun under President Bush.
Afghanistan: Some Democrats support increased troop involvement in Afghanistan – which President Obama ran under – some favor withdrawal. Republican in general support escalation.
International relations: Democrats favor increased diplomacy with both allies and enemies. Republicans feel the tone of the Obama administration has been too apologetic and hurts American security.
Gitmo: Democrats are in favor of closing Gitmo and sending the prisoners to other facilities, some within the United States. They are opposed to techniques such as waterboarding. Many Republicans are opposed to closing Gitmo, although President Bush and John McCain as a candidate both supported closing it. Many Republicans believe enhanced interrogation techniques helped security, though there are notable exceptions such as John McCain.
Privacy vs. Security: Democrats are vocally opposed to any infringements on civil rights, such as NSA warrantless surveillance and provisions under the Patriot Act. Republicans feel such actions are necessary to protect citizens.
George asks…
What is your position on the use of taxpayer dollars to fund green energy companies?
admin answers:
If it was a form of energy that is sustainable, and actually works, and the company actually makes a profit, then I have no problem with it. I just have a problem with politicians giving the money away as political favors.
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Brio Windmill Truck
![]() | Founded in Sweden in 1884, BRIO makes the highest quality wooden toys that have delighted children and created happy memories for generations. Both educational and fun, BRIO's uncompromising focus on design, quality and craftsmanship create toys of lasting value that stimulate creativity and imagination. Engaging play and learning are integral themes in all BRIO toys, satisfying a child's educational needs and growing with them through their various phases of development. Green energy is importa | |
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Your Questions About Renewable Energy For Kids
Richard asks…
What percentage of our energy production is Renewable?
UK energy that is. And what are we going to be using to reach government plans of 20% by 2020?
admin answers:
It was 5% in 2007 so yes about 6%. Someone in the gov. Ought to have a word with the planners, they are stuck in the 19th century. Whilre they were at it they could find out why we are still paying 17 1/2 % vat (luxury level!) for solar panels, wind turbines, insulation even. Outrageous.
The big idea is offshore wind, but shell just pulled funding for the big one planned off east coast (dogger bank) and the gov. Dont seem keen to put anything up for it.
Microgeneration would be a big part of reaching the target, but that would makke us less dependant on the big comanies and the national grid….. Oh maybe the vat thing (and lack of grants) makes sense….
They want to kid us nuclear is renewable ha! If you greenwash and add in that 20 odd per cent plus the 4% we import from france, we dont seem to be doing too badly……
And as for carbon capture… Dont get me started
Daniel asks…
How are some ways kids can go Green?
This world is an awesome place and we all need to go greener what are some ways kids can help?
admin answers:
I have a HUUUUGE list available at www agua-luna com it’s like 33 pages long and would just spam this whole answer. But here’s a few cut from the list below. If you’d like the entire list feel free to visit www agua-luna com or email me through the site directly and I’ll send you a copy.
Also Agua-Luna com now offers Carbon Offsetting Credits, since our Team of Volunteers is already accomplishing several carbon eliminating projects, we’re now converting the carbon offsets to you. Visit www agua-luna com for a FREE carbon calculator to calculate your carbon footprint for free and more info on carbon credits.
You could also Volunteer with us, planting a tree or working on a Sustainable Renewable Energy Building Project in Mexico with us. Again see www agua-luna com for more info.
I also do some free consulting, there’s more info on the site about that too. Here’s some more ways to help the environment…
Recycle paper, cardboard, newsprint and magazines.
Recycle aluminum cans.
Recycle all batteries.
Recycle and reuse. Roughly 50% of the average person’s trash can be recycled. Don’t forget that hazardous waste like batteries, your printer’s ink cartridges, and cell phones can be recycled too! Find out how and where to recycle in your area. Always buy recycled paper. Just 1 ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees.
Just because your community doesn’t pick up all recyclables on the curb, it doesn’t mean there are not viable alternatives nearby. Check with dry cleaners, supermarkets, manufacturers, your local public works department and civic organizations to find out where recycled goods can be dropped off, at a location near you.
Did you know that just in 1995 alone, recycled toner cartridges kept over 21,000 tons of trash out of landfills? Believe it or not, now you can recycle your printer’s toner cartridges! Every year, Americans throw out enough printer cartridges to stretch from Los Angeles to New York City and back again. Toner cartridges can be recycled, having just as good a performance as an unrecycled cartridge. To recycle your toner cartridges, find a local business that does printer cartridge recycling, or contact the manufacturer of your current toner cartridge and ask about a cartridge recycling program.
Not only should you recycle, but buy products that are recycled. By purchasing these products, you are helping to conserve natural resources, and to protect the environment.
Wash clothes in cold water.
Hot water is unnecessary for most clothes. When needed, use warm water.
Fill your toilet tank.
Put a plastic bottle or two, filled with water and rocks, in your tank to reduce the amount of water used in each flush.
Clean your filters.
Clean the filters of your air-conditioners once a month to improve energy efficiency. While you’re at it, change your car’s filters as recommended in your manual.
Get a low-flow shower head.
Stop at the hardware store on your way home, and get a low-flow shower head. Takes a few minutes to install, and it’ll save gallons of water a day.
Lower your thermostats.
If you use heating, get by with less heat and wear warmer clothes. If you use air-conditioning, get by with less cooling and wear cooler clothes.
If it’s a nice sunny day, hanging clothes only takes a few minutes, and you’re using solar power instead of electricity to do the job. It also makes your clothes last longer.
Turn down your water heater.
Most people have their water heater’s thermostat turned up too high, wasting energy. Turn it down to 130 degrees, saving energy but still hot enough to kill bacteria.
Use CFC light bulbs.
If your light bulb burns out, replace it with a Compact Flourescent bulb (those spiral-looking ones). They’re more expensive, but if you just replace them one at a time, it doesn’t cost much, and the energy savings is great. And as they last longer, over the long run, you’ll save money.
Wash and dry only full loads of laundry and dishes.
Follow your community’s water use restrictions or guidelines.
Install a low-flow shower head.
If you are not looking to change your car just yet there are a number of ways you can be more environmentally friendly and help you save money by conserving fuel.
Lighten your car to reduce weight by not carrying unnecessary items.
Cut your speed and stick to the speed limits
Drive smoothly avoiding heavy accelerating and braking.
When stationary for a long time, switch off the engine.
Closing windows will make the car more efficient by being more aerodynamic. Remove roof bars when not is use also helps.
Make sure your tyres are properly inflated as under inflated tyres cause more resistance.
Where possible, walk, cycle or even use public transport.
If possible lift share to reduce the number of cars on the road.
Try mass transit.
Millions of people use it, and it saves tons of fuel. If you don’t already, give it a try.
Unload your car.
Remove excess weight from your car (such as stuff that might be in the trunk) to reduce the amount of fuel you use.
Walk instead of drive.
You don’t have to do this all the time, but walking the short trip to a store, or to lunch from work, or some other short trip like that, can reduce the amount of fuel you use over the long term, and you shed some fat at the same time. Or at least burn off that morning donut.
Buy a smaller car.
You won’t be able to do this today, probably, but the next time you’re in the market for an automobile, get a smaller and energy-efficient car rather than a big, lumbering one. It’s one of the best things you can do to reduce your fuel consumption.
Inflate your tires.
Many people don’t realize that their tires are under-inflated. Check the recommended pressure for your tires, and fill them up to that pressure. It only takes a few minutes, but it will save you on fuel consumption (a little) and more importantly, make your tires last longer and reduce the rubber that’s worn off your tires.
Get creative with gift-giving. The gift of time, services, or environmentally positive gifts may be more appreciated than disposable goods that are not to the taste or needs of the recipient.
Look into those lifestyle changes you’ve been putting off
Work from home more. Many organisations, when prodded a little, will accept flexible work arrangements where there is no impact to the work that needs to get done.
Use your oven less.
The oven not only uses a lot of energy, it heats up your kitchen, requiring more cooling. Instead, use toaster ovens, crockpots, microwaves, and electric grills when you can. And when you do use your oven, open it less – you lose 25% of the heat every time you open the oven door.
Mend your stuff.
Try not to throw stuff away and buy new stuff if the old stuff can be fixed. Torn clothing? Takes a few minutes to sew up.
Install a water filter.
If you buy a lot of bottled water, use your tap instead. Some places need a filter to make tap water taste drinkable, but they don’t cost much and they can save money, water, and plastic bottles over time.
Unplug appliances.
If you don’t use an appliance several times a day, it’s better to unplug it, as they often use energy even when turned off
Use rechargeable batteries.
Instead of throwing your batteries away all the time, reuse rechargeable batteries. Costs a little more, but cheaper in the long run.
When you’re looking to buy appliances, be sure to research the most energy-efficient ones. They may cost a little more, but they’ll more than make up for that in the long run with lower energy bills.
Buy a smaller home.
The next time you’re home-shopping, instead of buying the McMansion, look for a smaller home that’s big enough to meet your needs comfortably. Reducing the amount of stuff you own is a good way to need less house. It’s cheaper, and requires less energy to heat and cool. And easier to clean at the same time.
Look for energy efficiency.
Use acryllic paint.
It’s not hard to set one up (look it up online), and you can save a lot of waste from the landfill and help your garden at the same time
Water grass early in the morning.
Reduces the amount of water you need to keep your grass looking fabulous.
Plant shade trees near your house.
It’ll take awhile before they can make a difference, but shade trees greatly reduce the need to cool a home.
Coat your roof.
This’ll take up an afternoon, but you only have to do it once every few years. And it’ll save you a lot of money and energy in heating and cooling over the long-term, more than making up for the cost of paint.
Avoid fast food.
Instead, eat at home or at a sit-down restaurant. Fast food restaurants are one of the worst polluters of the environment, both in the massive amounts of beef they must raise, in the wasted packaging, and in the energy they use in so many ways. And they’re tremendously unhealthy.
Buy a manual reel mower or electric mower.
If you’re looking for a new lawn mower, and you have a small yard, consider getting a manual one. They’re much advanced from the reel mowers of our grandparents’ generation, much quieter, cheaper, and they save on fuel and pollution. Electric mowers are also quieter and use much less energy.
Clean up.
Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at www agua-luna com on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.
Dan Martin
Alterative Energy / Sustainable Consultant, Living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World… In
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Sustainable Energy: Choosing Among Options
![]() | Human survival depends on a continuing supply of energy, but the need for ever-increasing amounts of it poses a dilemma: How can we find energy sources that are sustainable and ways to convert and utilize energy that are more efficient? This widely used textbook is designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate students as well as others who have an interest in exploring energy resource options and technologies with a view toward achieving sustainability on local, national, and global scales. | |
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Sunforce 37180 180W Grid Tied Solar Panel
![]() | Create your own power and save on electricity bills. The Sunforce 180 Watt Grid Tied Solar Panel is completely maintenance free and easy to install. The panel is UL listed and qualifies for all government and state incentives and rebates. It has high efficiency Monocrystalline solar cells, and 3.2 mm low Iron tempered glass. The frame is anodized aluminum alloy, and can withstand rigorous weather conditions. High quality junction box with MC4 connectors. Max Power (Pmax) 180 watt. | |
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qs_95201_10 Danita Delimont – Energy – USA, Washington, Wind turbines energy – US48 CCR0118 – Charles Crust – Quilt Squares – 25×25 inch quilt square
![]() | USA, Washington, Wind turbines energy - US48 CCR0118 - Charles Crust Quilt Square is a great way to create, showcase and remember a meaningful moment. Overall size is 10" x 10" with 7.5" x 7.5" image. Made of 100% poloyester that will not fade with washing. | |
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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy
Donald asks…
How much does a sustainable energy home cost to build?
I am contemplating buying/building a house, for the first time, with no deadline. I haven’t selected a site yet (I know that changes things) but I want to know what I can expect. How does the intial cost of a sustainable energy home typically compare with a less green option?
admin answers:
This of course depends on a lot of different factors. But… For the most part it really doesn’t cost as much as many people think. Since you are building a home instead of trying to remodel a home it makes things much less expensive. Many people think that to be “sustainable” everything needs to be run entirely off of solar and will cost a fortune. This is very wrong.
First you need to figure out where most of the energy in your home is going to be used.
1. Heating/cooling
2. Water heating
3. Major appliances
4. Lighting & smaller appliances
So if you can reduce the energy needed by the largest energy users you can almost elminate your energy bill.
Like the first person answered, GEOTHERMAL heating/cooling system. This is something that anyone building a new home that has enough yard to bury some pipes should get. My sister just built a house with one of these systems and it only cost them $3000 more than a traditional system and they will have twice the heating/cooling power. And the system will have paid for itself after 3 years.
The department of energy’s page about Geothermal heat pumps
2nd… Heating your water. This is another huge energy use in the home. This can also be done using some Geothermal systems or you can go solar. Using solar Thermal collectors is a great way to heat your water. This method has been used for a long time and is also used in industrial situations for hotels and outdoor swimming pools. A new system for residential can cost around $5000.
Check out this company just for kicks, they build some of the biggest solar heating systems in the world for resorts and Olympic pools.
Spending more on better isulation, windows, and doors is another way to save on energy. People don’t realize how much of a difference that can make. You save maybe $20-50 on a cheaper window but in the long run you would be saving a LOT more by getting the better one.
You can add energy generating devices to your home for a lot less than you might think. And by using the solutions above the remaining energy needs should be significantly reduced. A grid-tied windmill that can supply 1000+ KWH a month is only about $5000.
Places like this offer packages for all types.
Most of the places I listed here offer assistance or install by professionals but you can also do a lot of it yourself without having to go to school to know how.
Susan asks…
How much does a sustainable energy home cost to build?
I am contemplating buying/building a house, for the first time, with no deadline. I haven’t selected a site yet (I know that changes things) but I want to know what I can expect. How does the intial cost of a sustainable energy home typically compare with a less green option?
admin answers:
This of course depends on a lot of different factors. But… For the most part it really doesn’t cost as much as many people think. Since you are building a home instead of trying to remodel a home it makes things much less expensive. Many people think that to be “sustainable” everything needs to be run entirely off of solar and will cost a fortune. This is very wrong.
First you need to figure out where most of the energy in your home is going to be used.
1. Heating/cooling
2. Water heating
3. Major appliances
4. Lighting & smaller appliances
So if you can reduce the energy needed by the largest energy users you can almost elminate your energy bill.
Visit this site, this maybe helpful for you
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RENEWABLE ENERGY KIT–Learning Materials-Science-Energy
![]() | Designed to make understanding of renewable and sustainable energy generation an exciting and tactile experience using solar, wind and water power. For indoor or outdoor use, this resource comes in a modular format with 4 interchangeable monitors to show differing outputs from the 3 interchangeable power heads (one base). Kit includes suggested activities and general teachers information. Made of high-impact plastic, the base is 7" x 10", the maximum height is 20", monitors are 3 1/2" in diamete | |
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Solar Photovoltaic | Sun Solar | Solar Panels | Solar Battery Charger for Laptop | Solar Battery Charger for Cell Phone | Solar Battery Charger for all Electroncis | Solar Cells | Solar Cell | Battery Charger | What is solar energy | Photovoltaic Panels | Renewable Energy | Battery and Chargers | Battery Laptop | Solar Panel Power for MP3 players, MP4 players, portable GPS navigators, GPS trackers, digital cameras, HD camcorders, portable DVD players, portable video game players
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Trojan T105-RE Renewable Energy 6V GC2 Deep Cycle Battery 225Ah
![]() | Trojan T105-RE Renewable Energy 6V GC2 Deep Cycle Battery 225Ah Need more than one? We offer great discounts on quantity orders and have FREE SHIPPING offers available. WE CANNOT SHIP FLOODED LEAD ACID BATTERIES VIA FEDEX OR UPS. Specifications: Model: T105-RE Voltage: 6V 20 Hour Rate: 225Ah 100 Hour Rate: 250Ah Weight: 67lbs Length: 10.375in. Width: 7.125in. Height: 10.875in. Country of Manufacture: U.S.A. Flooded lead-acid batteries have the longest track record in solar electric use | |
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Renewable Energy
![]() | The book covers the wide spectrum of solar radiation, elements of heat transfer, solar collectors and application of solar collectors. It contains chapter on energy from biomass and biogas digesters, photovaltaic generation of electricity and its applications and wind nergy besides impact of energy production and use on environment. A good number of problems have been solved to help understand the relevant theory. | |
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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Jobs
Lisa asks…
Can you get a job in renewable energy engineering with a civil engineering degree?
Or more generally, are there any engineering degrees which wouldnt qualify me to work in renewable energy engineering?
admin answers:
It depends on which subdivion of civil engineering you are in, structural, construction, environmental, transportation, or hydrology. I think environmental are more related to renewable energy engineering than the others in terms of the stuff people are doing in that discipline. Also, as far as I know there are many graduate programs regarding energy offered within civil engineering department in many universities.
George asks…
what career should I choose to work on builiding science and renewable energy?
Hi I would like to work on building science like install panel solars,wind and you know building science also I want to star a business sell products of renewable energy like solar panels,wind,hydro,etc.
So which career can fit in those jobs? thanks
admin answers:
Good for you! If you like to actually work on and reinvent the renewable technological devices yourself, you should get into electrical engineering in order to understand how everything works in an electrical system and further invent ways to improve it. You always can start a business later one after you have some good working experience with the renewable energy products.
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Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies Renewable Energy Science Education Set
![]() | The Renewable Energy Science Education Set is a modular experiment set designed to demonstrate the workings of a complete clean energy technology system on a miniature scale. With this kit, an entire miniature renewable energy system can be constructed on a lab-scale. This set includes a wind turbine kit, a solar photovoltaic panel, an electrolyzer, a PEM fuel cell, and hydrogen storage system encouraging users to learn the system step by step, configure the system in different ways, and visuali | |
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K’NEX Education – Renewable Energy Set
![]() | Go green and bring STEM concepts to life with the K'NEX Education Renewable Energy Set! Designed to address critical science, technology and engineering concepts in the middle school classroom, this set provides instructional models that will enhance students' understanding of real-world issues. Students will work together to learn about alternatives to fossil fuel energies as they construct and evaluate several models powered by wind, water, and solar power. Using K'NEX pieces, a solar panel, m | |
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Renewable Energies
![]() | "Renewable Energies: A Technical Review" is a book which contains experimental and theoretical topics for alternative sources of energy. There are numerous ways of harnessing energy from natural sources, the most widely in use being solar and wind energy. As more and more countries implement ways to utilize this untapped potential for power, a lot of houses, mine included, have begun to use renewable electrical energy by building their own homemade power systems. Because of the importance of top | |
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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Solutions
Jenny asks…
What would be an energy chain for wind energy?
I basically know the energy chain, but I want to see what other people have to say. When I say energy chain I mean like mechanical-thermal-electrical- etc.
admin answers:
Energy efficiency and renewable energy are said to be the twin pillars of sustainable energy. Some ways in which sustainable energy has been defined are:
“Effectively, the provision of energy such that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. …Sustainable Energy has two key components: renewable energy and energy efficiency.” – Renewable Energy and Efficiency Partnership (British)
“Dynamic harmony between equitable availability of energy-intensive goods and services to all people and the preservation of the earth for future generations.” And, “the solution will lie in finding sustainable energy sources and more efficient means of converting and utilizing energy.”
“Any energy generation, efficiency & conservation source where: Resources are available to enable massive scaling to become a significant portion of energy generation, long term, preferably 100 years..” – Invest, a green technology non-profit organization.
“Energy which is replenishable within a human lifetime and causes no long-term damage to the environment.”
Daniel asks…
What is the solution to global warming if the causes are natural?
If global warming is from natural causes as opposed to human activity, what would be some solutions? Is it any different?
admin answers:
… This may help:
Solutions to Global Warming
Reducing your family’s heat-trapping emissions does not mean forgoing modern conveniences; it means making smart choices and using energy-efficient products, which may require an additional investment up front, but often pay you back in energy savings within a couple of years.
1.The car you drive: the most important personal climate decision.
When you buy your next car, look for the one with the best fuel economy in its class. Each gallon of gas you use is responsible for 25 pounds of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. Better gas mileage not only reduces global warming, but will also save you thousands of dollars at the pump over the life of the vehicle. Compare the fuel economy of the cars you’re considering and look for new technologies like hybrid engines.
2.Choose clean power. More than half the electricity in the United States comes from polluting coal-fired power plants. And power plants are the single largest source of heat-trapping gas. None of us can live without electricity, but in some states, you can switch to electricity companies that provide 50 to 100 percent renewable energy
3.Look for Energy Star. When it comes time to replace appliances, look for the Energy Star label on new appliances (refrigerators, freezers, furnaces, air conditioners, and water heaters use the most energy). These items may cost a bit more initially, but the energy savings will pay back the extra investment within a couple of years. Household energy savings really can make a difference: If each household in the United States replaced its existing appliances with the most efficient models available, we would save $15 billion in energy costs and eliminate 175 million tons of heat-trapping gases.
4.Unplug a freezer.
One of the quickest ways to reduce your global warming impact is to unplug the extra refrigerator or freezer you rarely use (except when you need it for holidays and parties). This can reduce the typical family’s carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 10 percent.
5.Get a home energy audit.
Take advantage of the free home energy audits offered by many utilities. Simple measures, such as installing a programmable thermostat to replace your old dial unit or sealing and insulating heating and cooling ducts, can each reduce a typical family’s carbon dioxide emissions by about 5 percent.
6.Light bulbs matter.
If every household in the United States replaced one regular light bulb with an energy-saving model, we could reduce global warming pollution by more than 90 billion pounds over the life of the bulbs; the same as taking 6.3 million cars off the road. So, replace your incandescent bulbs with more efficient compact fluorescents, which now come in all shapes and sizes. You’ll be doing your share to cut back on heat-trapping pollution and you’ll save money on your electric bills and light bulbs.
7.Think before you drive.
If you own more than one vehicle, use the less fuel-efficient one only when you can fill it with passengers. Driving a full minivan may be kinder to the environment than two midsize cars. Whenever possible, join a carpool or take mass transit.
8.Buy good wood.
When buying wood products, check for labels that indicate the source of the timber. Supporting forests that are managed in a sustainable fashion makes sense for biodiversity, and it may make sense for the climate too. Forests that are well managed are more likely to store carbon effectively because more trees are left standing and carbon-storing soils are less disturbed.
9.Plant a tree.
You can also make a difference in your own backyard. Get a group in your neighborhood together and contact your local arborist or urban forester about planting trees on private property and public land. In addition to storing carbon, trees planted in and around urban areas and residences can provide much-needed shade in the summer, reducing energy bills and fossil fuel use.
Naturally Occurring Warming
Volcanic Eruptions
Large volcanic eruptions can throw so much dust into the sky that the dust acts as a shield to solar radiation and causes a cooling trend in the atmosphere. You probably can’t remember such an eruption as they are rare and infrequent occurances.
Changes in the Earth’s solar radiation levels can have some impact on the Earth’s climate. Increased solar activity can cause short-term warming cycles on the Earth.
The Wobbly Earth
As the Earth spins, it does not achieve perfect rotation. It actually wobbles slightly, thus alternately exposing the northern and southern latitudes to more and less solar radiation. This wobble in the Earth’s rotation has been causing changes in the temperature of the atmosphere for many millions of years.
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Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems
![]() | A solid, quantitative, practical introduction to a wide range of renewable energy systems—in a completely updated, new editionThe second edition of Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems provides a solid, quantitative, practical introduction to a wide range of renewable energy systems. For each topic, essential theoretical background is introduced, practical engineering considerations associated with designing systems and predicting their performance are provided, and methods for evalu | |
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Energy Crossroads: A burning need to change course, Academic Edition & Public Performance
![]() | This academic version has an extra hour of bonus materials that includes a 25 minutes documentary produced in 1974 soon after the 1973 oil embargo, extended interviews, lesson plans, an Eco-facts sheet, a jpeg file from the poster (11X17) and the 2 mini documentaries from the standard version (Cuba's Peak Oil and Steve Andrews "Green Home").Synopsis: As our global population and its appetite for energy rise drastically, resource depletion and global climate change have become the most pressing i | |
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