Daily Archives: August 12, 2015

Your Questions About Renewable Energy For Kids

Ruth asks…

Could you give me links websites to get nice statistics on energy consumptions?

You know interesting ones like :

the amount of money wasted in lighting light a light bulb a day is enough to feed 20 homeless people…

(not literally ..but you understand what I’m looking for??)

I’m trying to make a ‘fun’ presentation for kids on energy and why we are doomed and need to utilize renewable energy sources, mainly solar power( I would like statistics on that too…)

admin answers:

Try http://www.epa.gov/

William asks…

what is a problem to our environment in obtaining and using Nuclear energy?

Researching,but also:
How does it benefit us?How do we use it as an energy source?What harm are we causing Nuclear Energy by its use or obtaining it? What are 3 effects on using Nuclear Energy to the environment? What are 2 alternatives that would help in using this resource in a more productive way?What are 2 alternatives that would help protect the environment in obtaining/using Nuclear Energy?
I was wondering,my kid asked me and i was unable to answer so please answer,thanks.
I need an alternative that would help protect the environment in obtaining/using Nuclear Energy

admin answers:

Well man nuclear energy is actually pretty clean his teacher is apparently a environment nut there is nuclear waste but it is a very very small fraction of the waste of fossil fuels and other non renewable sources what happened in russia was stupidity they did not follow any saftey rules whatsoever the same will happen if we dont watch ours we have some but they only power like 2% of the nation and it will be perfectly fine one of my colleges suggested that the government would cease to give a crap about saftey for awhile which is true but nuclear facilities shouldnt be government controled but definatley supervised and have any organization take a tour and help make sure everything is safe and even if that happens there are 3 huge layers of protection if any nuclear event occured and it is very efficient the newer class of our aircraft carriers are nuclear no incidents have occured to date and it is better and cheaper than diesel and they only have to refuel once in their whole service which is expected to be about 40 years or more

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