Daily Archives: November 14, 2013

Your Questions About Renewable Energy Certificates

Richard asks…

What possible reason could anybody ever have for wanting to get a renewable energy training certificate?

What possible reason could anybody ever have for wanting to get a renewable energy training certificate?

admin answers:

With engineering, manufacturing, agriculture, and customer support all outsourced to other countries what is left are the jobs that have to be done locally. This includes jobs to come to a customers home to survey, install and service their energy use.

Lisa asks…

What possible reason could anybody ever have for wanting to get a renewable energy training certificate?

What possible reason could anybody ever have for wanting to get a renewable energy training certificate?

admin answers:

To be a salesman perhaps is all it is really good for.

Most of that training is too short to go into any real depth or address any real issues such as structural integrity, windloading, building code issues, electrical code issues, and applicable state laws. As a standalone seminar, it is only consciousness rasing. If it is not part of an established curriculum in technical colleges, or universities- it has no recognizable value to the people doing the hiring. Who is accediting them? Another 501C3? Or a legit accredition agency like “North Central?”

If it is just another 501C3- save your money.

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