Daily Archives: October 31, 2013

Your Questions About Renewable Energy Group

Michael asks…

an electrical engineering can work on renewable energy?

I want to know if electrical engineering is the right choose to work on renewable energy like bio-diesel.biomass or hybrid technology also I want to know if an electrical engineer could lose his job when he become older for instance computer science company hired younger people is the same with electrical careers? thanks

admin answers:

An engineering background would be quite useful for renewable energies, quite useful for most things in general. Most engineering programs have a general engineering requirement where the students spend one to two years studying all the engineering fields before specializing so an electrical engineer would have sufficient chemical and mechanical engineering background to be useful in bio-diesel and biomass as well as be suited for the electronic controls inherent in all modern processes. Naturally, a hybrid would have a large electrical component that the EE would be useful for.

It’s illegal for a company to age discriminate but it is true that as one gets older and better paid, one’s liquidity on the labour market is reduced. However, many companies value experience and for good reason. Without some experience in a group, one’s bound to constantly repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

The risk of loosing one’s job and then finding it difficult to be re-employed is common no matter what the field and often if a company wants to take a risk on a prospective employee that they have not worked with before, they might as well hedge their bet by hiring somebody inexpensive such as a fresh grad.

You can take measures to ensure you remain valuable in the job market, insist that the company pay for at least one professional association membership and at least one industry conference a year. Attend the tutorial sessions and pay the extra $10 for the CEU credits so that you have something to add to your portfolio.

Above all, build up a network of contacts in the industry. It all boils down to relationships and people.

You might want to start with an English course though.

David asks…

How do I go about starting a small business?

I have an excellent idea for a small business. Its a renewable energy business in an area where that hasn’t tapped into that aspect yet. I don’t how to make my ideas become reality, where do I get financing to start it up?

admin answers:

You need to find the Small Business Development Center or similar group for YOUR state. For example, this is the one for Delaware:

They tell you who to contact, how to do it, what you need, all that type of thing.

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