Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Systems

Mark asks…

Can eating 800 calories and exercising really be unhealthy?

Okay, so before everyone tells me how much more I should be eating, I feel amazing. I’ve been doing this for about 4 months now and have lost about 8 pounds per month and I’m 5’4. I eat high protein, low carb, and plenty of vegetables. I work out for 45 minutes doing step aerobics 5 times a week. My energy is up and I’m getting more nutrients than I was eating 2000 calories a day. My question is, why do people consider this to be so unhealthy when I feel so good? Thanks!

admin answers:

Because it is not sustainable in the long-term. At the moment your body is burning body fat for fuel, but when you get to critical levels of body fat and you are not giving your body enough fuel, you will start to feel very unwell. Currently, you are not even eating enough to keep your basic bodily systems running. If you were to lay in bed all day and not move a muscle, you would still burn around 1,350 calories. No diet should ever go lower than 1,400 calories for this reason. If you are active as well you need to add calories to compensate for that.

A low-carb diet is specifically NOT meant to be a low-calorie one. The whole point of low-carbing is that it’s carbs in that matter, not calories. I would advise you increase your calorie and fat intake and portion sizes. You won’t put on weight as long as you continue to eat low carb, and indeed extra calories often help fire up the metabolism and help you lose more.

Joseph asks…

Would you support free wireless energy for the world to enjoy?

First proposed by Nicoli Tesla, this system would give everyone in the world free electricity to use for better or worse. It would eliminate the need for all power lines and grids. What are your arguments for and against such a system if it were viable and sustainable?
Egads! I spelled it Nicoli instead of Nikoli! I believe it is time for bed. Good night all.

admin answers:

I would be concerned about any side effects. Bees are losing their way back to the hive because of cell phone signals. Birds are getting microwaved when they fly in front of satellite transmitters. Everything wireless is more prone to interference and hacking than its hardwired counterpart. What are the negative points of wireless energy?

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