Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Companies

Lisa asks…

how competitive is the job market for systems/control engineers specialising in sustainable energy management?

s&c eng is my degree.. i absolutely love it..

the environment and energy resources as a whole is my interest (helping people, etc etc), but i dont know where to go, if should get a masters or just rely on work experience, etc..

any advice on these fields would be great 🙂 ta!

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Steven asks…

Is it worth my while investing in natural energy for my home?

I was thinking about investing in some Solar Panels and a small Wind Turbine to power my home.
I live alone and do not consume lots of electricity.

From what I hear I am looking at waiting at least 10 years before I see them pay for themselves.
Is this true? Are they really more trouble than they are worth?

Because if the cost-benefit ratio is too unbalanced, I might as well just stick to nuclear power.

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