Your Questions About Renewable Energy World

James asks…

How much do you think the oil industry lobbies the government for NASA?

Should we be wasting a finite energy resource while simultaneously blowing inconceivable amounts of money simply to find out what a comet is made of? Wouldn’t a better use of that talent and money be in developing renewable energy sources, fighting world hunger and disease, and solving the huge problem of our rapidly dwindling supply of fresh water on this planet?

admin answers:

I agree with you, unfortunately the oil industry has a lot of money and well you know how that goes. Currently there are several research and development programs going on relating to alternative energy sources. Examples are Methane, ethanol, and hydrogen. Keep you fingers crossed that one of these experimental energy resources hits pay dirt.

John asks…

What are the three counties that use the most energy in the world?

and what are the two that use the least amount of energy? do they use mostly renewable or non-renewable energy? And do these counties have a plan to cut back on their use of non-renewable energy?

admin answers:

The most?
and probably Brazil

China uses very little reneawble energy, Brazil fuels all their cars with ethanol made from sugarcane, so they’d probably have the most, the USA would be in the middle

Countries that use the least would be small, poor, sparsely populated countries, Bhutan is probably one of them

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