Your Questions About Renewable Energy Jobs

William asks…

When is the renewable energy market going to take off? And how? What jobs?

I want to study a degree in renewable energy, and want to know it’ll be worthwhile.

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Mark asks…

In your opinion what are a few ways jobs can be created?

I’m just curious as to what many think about our current economic situation. Some believe that this stimulus bill will do nothing but create more national debt, and it won’t create jobs. However some have faith in it. If more jobs are going to be created I believe we need to have renewable energy, and start assessing the damage done at the root which is the value of our money. What do you think the key is to creating more jobs?
By the way, the stimulus bill that was just passed is worth $838 Billion.
Genie: I think you are onto something. The infrastructure is damaged and without the rebuilding, there can be no job growth.

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