sustainable development

Your Questions About Renewable Energy Definition

Robert asks…

What are some difficulties in achieving sustainable development?

Definition: Sustainable development is a pattern of economic growth in which resource use aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come.

Why is it difficult for humans to achieve sustainable development?

And why?

admin answers:

You clearly haven’t bothered thinking about this at all:

– we don’t recycle 100% of all metals, so any metals you use will not be available for future generations to use. So, by your own definition, you can’t use any metals.

– once coal, oil, or natural gas is burned, it can’t be recycled, so any coal, oil, or natural gas you use to make anything, to transport what you make, or to transport the materials will not be available for future generations. So, by your own definition, you can’t use energy that comes from coal, oil, or natural gas.

You can argue that energy comes from the sun, from wind, or from water is O.K., but you still have to build the power plants to use those energy sources and that isn’t O.K.


– there are resources that are theoretically renewable, but we are already cutting down trees faster than they grow back, so wood, lumber, etc. May be theoretically sustainable, but in practice, using them is not sustainable.

The bottom line is that we have too many people using any and all resources at far too great a rate to be sustainable, so anything additional you do is by your own definition, not sustainable.


Now you can cheat in many ways: change the definition of sustainable so that it becomes feasible; pretend that advancing technology means that in the future people will be able to do anything with whatever they happen to have left over (isn’t magic wonderful?) so it doesn’t matter what we leave for future generations; etc. Or you can admit that sustainable development is an oxymoron and work toward other goals.

Sandy asks…

What is the definition of Visual Pollution and give some examples on how to prevent it…..?

I’ve been looking for a definition of this for hours!

thank you.

admin answers:

As the saying goes, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Visual pollution is going to have different meanings to different people. Most people would agree that excessive billboards are unattractive, but some may see skyscrapers as ‘visual pollution’ (spoiling the once natural landscape), while others may love viewing their architecture. Wind Farms (large areas covered by many wind mills) would be another example of visual pollution to most people. But then we are faced with the question ‘is it worth it for the renewable energy?’

How to prevent it? Stop building. But that’s just my opinion; some people may not like the looks of trees and fields and prefer building and signs.

Here’s some info. From Wiki:

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Development

Donna asks…

What can be essential support for sustainable development?

i got this question for my project work and i don’t seem to have any idea about this topic,so plz help me out with this(it would be more helpful if you can list out some of the imp support base for sustainble development in 1,2,3 order).thanks in advance

admin answers:

It’s a pretty broad question, not sure what the original asker is looking for…………
But in general for ‘sustainable development’ you need…….
Land or real estate to expand into.
Water source and access to all utilities.
Access to infrastructure (roads, bridges, tunnels).
Reliable and updateable energy source.
Economic growth and a population with jobs and money to continue to grow.

Lizzie asks…

What other energy efficient/sustainable courses can I take other than LEED?

I want to become an Energy Efficient/Sustainable Consultant. I check the USGBC website daily for courses in NYC for after the summer to no avail. I am interested in taking any other course that pertains to energy efficiency and sustainability. So far, I have checked NYSERDA’s website and the AEA’s website; however, they have no courses available for after the summer.

Can someone please let me know where energy efficient/sustainable courses are taught in NYC?

admin answers:

I don’t any in NYC, but I just earned an AAS. Degree in Sustainable Development @ College of Menominee Nation in Wisconsin. As far as i know CMN is one the only schools in the midwest of offer a dedicated program about sustainability.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Development

Ruth asks…

Could any of you summarize sustainable developments in three sentences?

If you were suppossed to analize the term Sustainable Development based on three questions, which questions do you think could help?.
I´m preparing myself on this area.

admin answers:

Sustainable developlement is a collection of methods to progress and still maintain devevelopments in the indefinite future, using 4 basic basic concepts;
1.environmental sustainability, 2.economic sustainability, sustainability and 4.political sustainability

So u should really be asking more than 3 questions!

-How to provide the best outcomes for the continuity of poverty relief , equitable standards of living, basic needs of all peoples while preserving biodiversity and ecosystems?

-What are the business initiatives to operate in a socially responsible manner?

-How can firms create less impacts on human rights while they can still maximise their profits ?

– What methods could be used to continuously improve living standards by long-term reconciliation of development projects ?

-How to encourage renewable energy use for continuous economic development?

C-How can we establish continuity in political practices (the incentives) to avoid ireversible dammage to natural capital or environments ?

James asks…

Where can I find a diagram of an energy sufficient city?

Where can I find a diagram of an energy sufficient city? When I type in something it only shows images of homes. An ideas where I can find a small city image?

admin answers:

has one

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Definition

Mandy asks…

What is a sustainable Development in biology terms?

I have this biology project and don’t know what it means because I missed the module because I changed schools late. Can anybody help me?

admin answers:

Well the technical definition is: a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This basically means, growing enough food and sourcing our energy and raw material needs without doing irreversible damage to the environment.
Hope it helps!

Laura asks…

How is sustainable development sustainable? *sigh*?

I know its a hard question. At our school the statement ‘sustainable development as a concept is unsustainable’ came up. i disagreed but couldnt come up with any valid arguments.
Lets see if anyone here can. it will be much appreciated ; )

admin answers:

Sustainable development :

Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the natural environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future. The term was used by the Brundtland Commission which coined what has become the most often-quoted definition of sustainable development as development that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

The field of sustainable development can be conceptually broken into three constituent parts: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and sociopolitical sustainability.

The United Nations Division for Sustainable Development lists the following areas as coming within the scope of sustainable development:

* Agriculture
* Atmosphere
* Biodiversity
* Biotechnology
* Capacity-building
* Climate Change
* Consumption and Production Patterns
* Demographics
* Desertification and Drought
* Disaster Reduction and Management
* Education and Awareness
* Energy
* Finance
* Forests
* Fresh Water
* Health
* Human Settlements
* Indicators
* Industry
* Information for Decision Making and Participation
* Integrated Decision Making
* International Law
* International Cooperation for Enabling Environment
* Institutional Arrangements
* Land management
* Major Groups
* Mountains
* National Sustainable Development Strategies
* Oceans and Seas
* Poverty
* Sanitation
* Science
* Sustainable tourism
* Technology
* Toxic Chemicals
* Trade and Environment
* Transport
* Waste (Hazardous)
* Waste (Radioactive)
* Waste (Solid)
* Water

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Development

William asks…

what is the relationship between sustainable development and environmental awareness?

I’m not quite sure what is meant by sustainable development, or how I could link it with the other one.
I need it for a short speech I’ll be doing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance 🙂

admin answers:

Sustainable development is the building of a community in a way that is environmentally friendly and uses renewable resources. Things to look for in sustainable development are:
-transportation: walking/biking/public transportation efficient
-energy: renewable energy source located close by
-city government: new bylaws encourage citizens to build individual homes in an environmentally friendly way

environmental awarness is needed for sustainability, but is more about individuals making green choices in their every day lives.

Helen asks…

How long is the working life of electronic products?

I am writing a paper about the working life of electronic products and the effect and meaning of longer working life on energy saving and sustainable development. Could you help me find some raw materials, data and examples? Thanks a lot!
examples i.e. mobilephone, music player, TV, etc.

admin answers:

You might look into articles and info on Planned Obsolescence which became prevalent back in the 20’s – 50’s as a means to expand production and increase sales by intentionally engineering products to fail within a set lifespan…a lifespan which could have been extended by using better materials or techniques and conserved raw materials. Some countries in Europe established regulations that household items had to last a set time in order to preserve scarce resources after WW II. PO also incorporated fashion as a way to get consumers interested in the latest designs which also increased sales demand. American designer Brooks Stevens popularized the idea of PO in the 50’s.

There are indeed some considerations when designing consumer products which should take into account that it’s also unnecessary to design products to last too long if new technology makes them obsolete and less efficient than newer models will be in the future.

Lifespans of electronics can vary according to design, engineering, available repair parts and use….the art of engineering is to design products using the minimum amount of materials for their targeted intended use and other concerns. There are steam engines which have lasted for decades in commercial use …the Panama Canal lock system has also lasted for decades with minor repairs. Some remotely operated electronic satellite or GPS navigational systems are designed to last for years or decades.


A video on PO and how it relates to waste in raw materials/consumer products, lower lifespan of products including electronics ,etc..

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