Your Questions About Renewable Energy Certificates
Paul asks…
How to purchase and use Renewable Energy Certificates?
Can someone please explain if and how I can buy renewable energy certificates for my apartment electricity use. My local energy company does not currently provide renewable energy and I am under the impression I can buy certificates from renewable energy companies and use those certificates to pay for my current electric bill.
Can you please explain this process.
admin answers:
It’s a pointless exercise because all of the electricity comes from the same generators connected to the same grid.
Joseph asks…
What possible reason could anybody ever have for wanting to get a renewable energy training certificate?
What possible reason could anybody ever have for wanting to get a renewable energy training certificate?
admin answers:
Cause people are wanting to know more about renewable energy more and more to bring that to a company makes you an asset which means more knowledge and money for you, im wanting it
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Renewable Energy of Wind Power Generator-CO07 JME0000 – John and Lisa Merrill – Toddler Light-Pink-T-Shirt (4T)
![]() | Renewable Energy of Wind Power Generator-CO07 JME0000 - John and Lisa Merrill T-Shirt is a great way to show off your true style. Adult and youth sizes are a 50/50 blend of cotton and polyester, toddler sizes are 100% cotton. All sizes are available in white, grey, light blue and pale pink and feature a custom printed image. | |
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Pursuing Alternative Forms of Energy
Record high prices at American gas pumps and continued trouble-brewing in the Middle East, Nigeria, and other areas of importance to the oil-driven economy have made it clear to Americans that we are in need of developing many new avenues of energy supply and production. In short, we need to reduce our dependency on oil, for it is ultimately finite and, frankly, the cheap sources of oil (not all oil just the stuff that is cheap to remove from the earth) are running out. Energy consultants and analysts are insistent that cheap oil has peaked or is very soon going to peak. What this means for us is an expensive future unless we can find new sources of powering our mechanized and electronic civilization, new sources which are alternatives to oil.
We must also switch to alternative forms of energy because our present forms are too damaging to the atmosphere. While this write does not believe that the global warming trend is much, if at all, sustained by the activities of mankind (in short, it’s a natural cycle and there’s nothing we can do about it except prepare for the effects of it), we certainly do contribute at present to the destruction of the environment and to things like air pollution with our energy sources as they are. Coal is another source of energy that we need to wean ourselves off ofagain, it is finite, and it is filthy, and the mining of it is dangerous and environmentally disruptive. We can also explore new, streamlined methods for producing electricity that we presently generate so much of via hydro-power so that we are less disruptive of the environment when we have need of constructing things such as large dams.
Developing nations which have turned industrialized in recent decades especially will need the benefits of alternative energy research and development, for they are presently doing much more environmental damage than the United States. The United States, Japan, and some European nations have been implementing studies into and programs for the development of alternative energy sources, and are therefore already leading the way in doing less environmental damage. The developing nations such as China and India need to look to Japan and the West as examples of what research and development to give government backing and private investment currency to. We could also add great robustness to our own economy by being at the forefront of such alternative energy sources development and then marketing the technologies and services to nations like India, China, Brazil, and so on and so forth.
Biofuels from things like supertrees and soybeans, refined hydroelectric technology, natural gas, hydrogen fuel cells, the further building of atomic energy plants, the continued development of solar energy photovoltaic cells, more research into wind-harnessed power all of these are viable energy sources that can act as alternatives to the mammoth amounts of oil and coal that we presently are so dependent on for our very lifestyles. The energy of the future is green.
Renewable Energy of Wind Power Generator-CO07 JME0000 – John and Lisa Merrill – Memory Book 12 X 12 Inch
![]() | Renewable Energy of Wind Power Generator-CO07 JME0000 - John and Lisa Merrill Drawing Book is a great way to start sketching, drawing, designing, scrapbooking, or just jotting down your thoughts. This unique spiral bound hard covered book includes acid free bright white paper and features twin loop wire spring binding. A great alternative to the standard photo album or notebook. Perfect for use with crayons, markers, paints, pastels, stickers, pencils and pens. Great as a gift for any occasion. | |
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The Renewable Energy Reader
![]() | The Renewable Energy Reader is a concise, reader-friendly sourcebook for U.S. renewable energy law. Each chapter provides historical background as well as illustrations and technology charts to give readers context for better understanding renewable energy sources and related legal issues. Each chapter also includes closely-edited excerpts from some of the most prominent primary and secondary legal sources -- articles, cases, statutes, and regulations -- highlighting current and potential legal | |
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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Without The Hot Air
Mary asks…
What are some of the things you do to lead a more sustainable lifestyle?
Many years ago, Kate and I developed a Stewardship Model for Tom’s of Maine in order to codify all of the natural, sustainable practices we were already following—such as only using natural ingredients and never testing on animals. The Stewardship Model sets out very specific standards for natural, sustainable, and responsible practices, and guides all of us every day in our decision making.
Kate and I also feel that a commitment to sustainability should be incorporated into all areas of the company—not just the product formulations. Let me share just two examples: our packaging designer, Jack, purchases only post-consumer-waste recycled and recyclable materials and soy-based inks; and my Director of Product Supply, Mark, had some great ideas about using renewable energy sources, so in 2006, we began purchasing wind energy credits to offset 100% of our factory’s electricity needs.
admin answers:
I recycle, grow many of my own vegetables (without pesticides and herbicides), maintain my home so that it is as energy efficient as possible, purchased a new high efficiency washer and dryer pair (uses less gas to dry because washer spins clothes better), keep my tires on my car properly inflated (increases gas mileage), flush my hot water heater regularly (improves efficiency and increases lifespan of heater), use a thermos instead of bottled water (wastes the plastic), buy recycled materials when possible, reuse bags from grocery store, buy soy ink printed materials whenever possible, buy soy ink checks, buy recycled checks, cook from scratch often (less packaging), get regular oil changes/air filter changes (improves mileage), pickup after my dog, don’t smoke tobacco, installed new energy saving windows in our home, and last, but not least…
I write my State Legislators, Member of Congress, Senators, Mayor, Governor, and even the President to ask that they support legislation that will encourage the expansion of alternative energy sources like solar, wind, and geothermal. I also advocate for the use of gray-water systems and other “green” alternatives. Check out these websites:
Donald asks…
What kind of fuel alternative do you think would be best? Electric, hydrogen, ethanol, other?
There a few different options yet it seems that the switch is very slow. What do you think would be the best alternative and do you think it would be a possibility to offer them all to the public at once.
Thank you for the great answers so far everyone. Breath of Wind I agree with most of what you said. We might need to look into different energies for different situations.
admin answers:
Hydrogen takes too much energy to create, there isn’t enough spare land for biomass – electricity is probably the solution since it can be generated from many different sources which can become greener as technology advances. ‘Sustainable Energy without the hot air’ is a good read if UK centered
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Renewable Energy of Wind Power Generator-CO07 JME0000 – John and Lisa Merrill – Set Of 6 Key Chains
![]() | Renewable Energy of Wind Power Generator-CO07 JME0000 - John and Lisa Merrill Key Chain is available in sets of 2, 4 and 6; making them perfect for sharing. Image is printed on both sides and has a high gloss finish. Measures 2 3/8" x 2 3/8" x 3/8" and are made of heavy duty durable plastic. Rings and plastic clips included. | |
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Renewable Energy Systems Service Provider Business Plan Bundle
![]() | This bundle offers you everything you need including a sample renewable energy systems service provider plan, business plan template to quickly create, edit, and print an professional formatted business plan, step-by-step business plan guide to walk you through the processes of creating a business plan one step at a time, A business plan presentation template, financial statement worksheets covering cash flow, profit and loss, sales forecast, cost of goods, break even and market analysis for you | |
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Sunforce 11240 1000 Watt Pure Sine Wave Inverter with Remote Control
![]() | The Sunforce 1000 Watt Pro Series Pure Sine Wave Inverter converts DC power into clean, stable AC power. Excellent for powering home appliances directly from your 12V battery, this inverter will supply stable power to run small electronic tools, air pumps, electronic doors, small motors and refrigerators that a modified sine wave inverter cannot. Pure Sine Wave inverters provide clean power with very low harmonic distortion, no static or humming noise. With a peak surge power of 2000 Watts and c | |
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Selling Solar: The Diffusion of Renewable Energy in Emerging Markets
![]() | To solve the climate crisis, the world must make a wholesale shift to renewable energy technologies. With surging growth in emerging markets, this transformation takes on even greater urgency. The challenges – and opportunities – are immense. Selling Solar considers how such a shift might happen. Focusing on the case of solar photovoltaics, it shows how, at the start of the twenty-first century, this promising technology began to diffuse rapidly in select emerging markets, after years of | |
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The Ways that the Military is Using Alternative Energy
The US military knows that its branches must revamp their thinking about how to engage in the theater of war in the new, post-Cold War world of the 21st century. One thing that the military leaders stress is the desire for the forces deployed in the theater to be able to be more energy-independent. Currently the US military has policies and procedures in place to interact with allies or sympathetic local populaces to help its forces in the field get their needed energy and clean water when engaged in a foreign military campaign. However, this is not wholly reliable, as the US might well find itself facing unilateral military activities, or have itself in a situation where its allies cannot help it with the resources it needs to conduct its military actions successfully.
The US military is very interested in certain alternative energies that, with the right research and development technologically, can make it energy independent, or at least a great deal more so, on the battlefield. One of the things that greatly interests the military along these lines is the development of small nuclear reactors, which could be portable, for producing theater-local electricity. The military is impressed with how clean-burning nuclear reactors are and how energy efficient they are. Making them portable for the typical warfare of today’s highly mobile, small-scaled military operations is something they are researching. The most prominent thing that the US military thinks these small nuclear reactors would be useful for involves the removal of hydrogen (for fuel cell) from seawater. It also thinks that converting seawater to hydrogen fuel in this way would have less negative impact on the environment than its current practices of remaining supplied out in the field.
Seawater is, in fact, the military’s highest interest when it comes to the matter of alternative energy supply. Seawater can be endlessly mined for hydrogen, which in turn powers advanced fuel cells. Using OTEC, seawater can also be endlessly converted into desalinated, potable water. Potable water and hydrogen for power are two of the things that a near-future deployed military force will need most of all.
In the cores of nuclear reactorswhich as stated above are devices highly interesting, in portable form, to the US militarywe encounter temperatures greater than 1000 degrees Celsius. When this level of temperature is mixed with a thermo-chemical water-splitting procedure, we have on our hands the most efficient means of breaking down water into its component parts, which are molecular hydrogen and oxygen. The minerals and salts that are contained in seawater would have to be extracted via a desalination process in order to make the way clear for the water-splitting process. These could then be utilized, such as in vitamins or in salt shakers, or simply sent back to the ocean (recycling). Using the power of nuclear reactors to extract this hydrogen from the sea, in order to then input that into fuel cells to power advanced airplanes, tanks, ground vehicles, and the like, is clearly high on the R & D priority list of the military.
Your Questions About Renewable Energy Jobs Houston
James asks…
Will special rights for ‘minorities’ end, right about the time white people become a minority?
admin answers:
While the economic recovery is improving the nation’s employment prospects, Hispanics need more help finding jobs, the U.S. Labor Department reported Thursday.
Compared with Anglos and African-Americans, Hispanics have a higher-than-average unemployment rate, less education and higher rate of on-the-job fatalities, according to the report titled “The Hispanic Labor Force in the Recovery.”
“We know more needs to be done to get Hispanics back to work,” Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis said during a conference call with reporters Thursday. She said the report was a fitting tribute to the late farm worker and civil rights activist Cesar Chavez, whose 84th birthday would have been Thursday.
“We know more needs to be done to get Hispanics back to work,” Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis said during a conference call with reporters Thursday. She said the report was a fitting tribute to the late farm worker and civil rights activist Cesar Chavez, whose 84th birthday would have been Thursday.
Solis also announced that Immigration and Customs Enforcement has agreed to suspend worksite immigration investigations for sites where the Labor Department is investigating labor disputes such as a wage and hour, family and medical leave, discrimination or health and safety issues. The agreement was part of a memorandum of understanding between the Labor Department and the Department of Homeland Security.
The agreement will protect workers during wage theft and other investigations, Solis said.
Laura Boston, director of the nonprofit Houston Interfaith Worker Justice Center, which advocates for low-wage workers, applauded the agreement.
In at least two instances she handled recently, workers were deported shortly after they filed complaints of workplace abuse, said Boston. One involved charges of sex harassment and race discrimination and another was payment of wages including overtime.
“We never knew whether the companies called immigration officials or whether it was by chance,” Boston said. “The employer is never held responsible if the worker is deported and isn’t there to testify.”
Unemployment rate
According to the Labor Department report, the average 2010 unemployment rate for Hispanic workers was 12.5 percent, compared with 8.7 percent for white workers and 16 percent for black workers.
On the plus side, unemployed Hispanics spend fewer weeks looking for work than whites or blacks. And a lower proportion of Hispanics are counted as long-term jobless, which the Labor Department defines as 27 weeks or longer.
One reason Hispanics lag behind other workers is that unemployment rates are closely tied to education levels.
Workers with bachelor’s degrees or higher had an average unemployment rate of 6 percent in 2010, while workers without high school diplomas had a rate of 13.2 percent.
Job training
Hispanics at least age 25 who have jobs are significantly less likely to have college diplomas than either blacks or Anglos, according to the report. The proportion is 16.9 percent for Hispanics, 36.1 percent for Anglos and 26 percent for blacks, the Labor Department said.
To encourage more Hispanics to find good jobs, the department recommends enrolling more of them in government-sponsored job training programs for low-income and at-risk youth; providing training opportunities in energy efficiency and renewable energy industries; and encouraging more Hispanics to pursue careers in engineering, technology and science.
High-risk industries
Since Hispanics work disproportionately in high-risk industries such as construction, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is beefing up its outreach to improve health and safety on the job. According to preliminary data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Hispanic workers had the highest rate of work-related fatalities in 2009.
The department’s wage and hour division is also putting more resources into taking action on companies that misclassify their employees as independent contractors to avoid paying Social Security and unemployment taxes, overtime and minimum wages.
“Misclassification more frequently occurs in industries that employ a large number of vulnerable workers, many of whom are of Hispanic or Latino origin,” according to the report.
Sharon asks…
In Texas Bill White from Houston is running for govenor against Rick Perry the incumbent. Who wins?
White is a very strong candidate. He made the City of Houston, the largest electricity user in the region, the nation’s #1 public purchaser of renewable energy. During his tenure at City Hall, Bill White cut the city’s energy use by six percent, despite double-digit growth in Houston‘s population and thousands of new jobs. White required annual performance reviews of city employees, established performance-based pay programs, and was willing to ask low performers to improve or leave. He established a program to permanently recycle hundreds of thousands of tons of yard waste, reducing landfill costs to taxpayers. Bill White understands that keeping young people in school requires both publicly funded programs and the involvement of civic, business, and religious leaders at all levels of government.
Perry is the longest serving governor and won’t debate or take questions from the media. He has friends running the Teachers Retirement Fund who make millions in investment fees and the School Book Board that recommends altering history to make the chuch more important. Then another friend got millions from the Emerging Technology Fund on appealing to Gov. Perry, after he was originally turned down. Do you think he has been in office so long he doesn’t think all this political corruption matters to the voters?
As an independent voter I found Bill White when I was fed up with Perry’s cronies on the School Book Board who said the Civil War had slaves fighting for the Union and omitted Jefferson as a writer of the constitution instead of bettering our students knowledge.
Houston voters returned White to office with re-election margins of 91% and 86%.
Bill White’s proven track record with law enforcement, earned him the support of sheriffs responsible for 98% of Texans living in counties along the border.
The JFK Profiles in Courage Award is presented to two elected public officials each year. White was chosen for welcoming 150,000 hurricane Katrina and Rita evacuees to the city despite complaints that the newcomers were a drain on local resources. He immediately helped establish emergency shelters and fostered creation of programs to help those who chose to stay in Houston find housing and jobs.
admin answers:
Texans had better hope Bill White does.
Perry is in it for Perry.
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Alternative Renewable Energy – Poster by Anonymous Anonymous (24 x 36)
![]() | Alternative Renewable Energy poster by Anonymous Anonymous. Posters and art prints for homes, dorm rooms, office and empty walls everywhere. | |
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K’NEX Education Renewable Energy Set
![]() | Go green and bring STEM concepts to life with this exciting renewable energy set. Students compare and contrast the power and efficiency that can be harnessed from wind-, solar-, and water-powered machines while working on projects of real-world significance. Builds 9 models, 3 at a time, and supports 2 to 3 students working as a team. Includes solar panels, motors and capacitors for storing energy, K'NEX parts, building instructions, and teacher's guide. | |
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Energy Economics: Concepts, Issues, Markets and Governance
![]() | Since its modest beginning in the 1970s, the academic and research focus on energy has grown substantially and energy has established itself as an independent, interdisciplinary subject area. It attracts attention from people in a range of different fields including engineers, scientists, geologists, environmentalists, bankers, investors, policy makers and politicians. Energy Economics introduces the basic concepts of energy economics and explains how simple economic tools can be used to analyse | |
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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Fund
Laura asks…
How can I get funding to reconstuct an old house and start a community awareness prog for sustainability?
We want to educate our neighborhood about sustainable building options. The project is called the Lemon Road House Project and is based in Olympia, Washington. We will deconstruct a 60 year old house and construct a energy efficient, sustainable house to use as a focal point for the community education program. We need funding in the way of grants, donations, etc. Any suggestions?
admin answers:
Im doing fund raising for the 40hour famine in one day i collected $50, but if u get a few people to go around collecting money from generous people and make people aware of this issue you could get quite a bot on money
Ruth asks…
Should Governments be rebuilding the economy – or developing a new, sustainable one?
Government funds now propping up “old” economic structures (commercial banks) and outdated infrastructure (cars/freeways) – and strategies like Emission Trading Schemes framed to protect polluters “to save jobs” – could be funding pollution-free energy systems etc to answer Climate Change, CREATING new jobs — and an economy aimed at need instead of merely “created wants”. But how widespread is awareness of options? And acceptance of Climate Change warnings?
admin answers:
Yes, however, politicians aren’t really qualified to do so. It is up to “we the people” to make change by changing ourselves. I am optimistically thinking that the anti-change camp (conservatives) are in decline. And that the younger generations are smarter. But those who fear change are still powerful and they are doing all they can to stop progress. Awareness is growing, but it is difficult to see or hear. To see why just visit the “Global warming” category here. The deniers seem to be a majority. And they are very emotional, downright religious, about the issue. Just keep in mind that their emotional state is evidence that they are losing, and they are losing because of their own self destructive emotions. YAY! The so called “evidence” they keep presenting is so wrong it’s hilarious. They are actually claiming that the Earth is cooling, and the ice caps are growing. Their own lies will be their own undoing.
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BookFactory® Renewable Energy Note Book – 120 Page, 8.5″x11″, Blue Hardbound (XLog-120-7CS-A-L-Blue(Renewable Energy Note Book))
![]() | These Professional Grade Renewable Energy Log Books let you record your Work/Activities and are of the Highest Quality. Our Log Books are used by some of the world's most innovative companies and most prestigious research institutions. These log books are essential for rock-solid record keeping. | |
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Renewable Energy World
![]() | Professional publication with global coverage and circulation. It accentuates the achievements and potential of all forms of renewable energy sources and the technologies being developed to harness them. In each issue, one or more of these gets the focus. | |
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Show Me Science Energy: Transforming Renewable Resources – Biomass & Solar Energy
![]() | This program stresses the importance of caring for our environment and provides an overview of multiple energy sources such as biomass and solar energy. It documents how some states are trying to enact laws that require local power plants to increase their power provided by renewable energy. To preserve our planet's health, scientists explore green projects involving ecologically friendly architecture and sustainable communities with solar homes and green housing developments.This product is ma | |
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University Research into Alternative Energy
Decades of tree and biomass research jointly conducted by Florida Statue University and Shell Energy have resulted in the planting of the largest single Energy Crop Plantation in the entire United States. This Plantation spans approximately 130 acres and is home to over 250,000 planted trees including cottonwoods (native to the area) and eucalyptus (which are non-invasive) along with various row crops such as soybeans. This organization of super trees was brought into being as a result of the University’s joint research with other agencies including Shell, the US Department of Energy, the Common Purpose Institute, and groups of various individuals who are working to develop alternative energy sources (those not dependent on fossil fuels) for the future. This research is focused on the planting and processing of biomass energy supplies from fast-growing crops known as closed loop biomass or simply energy crops. The project seeks to develop power plants such as wood-pulp or wood-fiber providing plants clean biogas to be used by industries plants such as surgarcane which can be used for ethanol development and crops such as soybeans for biodiesel fuel production.
University involvement in alternative energy research is also going on at Penn State University. At Penn State, special research is focused on the development of hydrogen power as a practical alternative energy source. The researchers involved are convinced that mankind is moving toward a hydrogen-fueled economy due to the needs for us to reduce air pollution and find other sources of energy besides petroleum to power up the United States. Hydrogen energy burns clean and can be endlessly renewed, as it can be drawn from water and crop plants. Hydrogen power would thus be a sustainable energy resource to be found within the US’ own infrastructure while the world’s supply of (affordable) oil peaks and begins to decline. The University seeks to help with the commercial development of hydrogen powered fuel cells, which would be usable in place of or in tandem with combustion engines for all of our motor vehicles.
When President Bush recently announced his alternative energy initiative, he determined that the government would develop five Sun Grant centers for concentrated research. Oregon State University has the honor of having been selected as one of these centers, and has been allocated government grants of 20 million for each of the next four years in order to carry out its mission. OSU will lead the way in researching alternative energy as it represents the interests of the Pacific Islands, the US’ Pacific Territories, and nine western states. OSU President Edward Ray says, the research being conducted through OSUs Sun Grant center will contribute directly to our meeting President Bushs challenge for energy independence. Specific research into alternative energy being conducted at OSU by varios teams of scientists right now include a project to figure out how to efficiently convert such products as straw into a source of renewable biomass fuel, and another one aimed at studying how to efficiently convert wood fibers into liquid fuel.