Sustainable Energy: Choosing Among Options
![]() | Human survival depends on a continuing supply of energy, but the need for ever-increasing amounts of it poses a dilemma: How can we find energy sources that are sustainable and ways to convert and utilize energy that are more efficient? This widely used textbook is designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate students as well as others who have an interest in exploring energy resource options and technologies with a view toward achieving sustainability on local, national, and global scales. | |
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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Systems
Betty asks…
Is there a perfect location on earth to place a utopia so it can be self sustainable?
I’m doing a project for my 8th grade social studies class on creating a perfect utopia.
Our “political” system would require us to be left alone with no debt to other countries so I need it to be self sustainable. Like is there a current country in the world or spot where a city could get the basic necessary living conditions just from the land. Like lakes or wind for energy and food. Good temperature for a descent harvest to sustain about 5,000 people?
admin answers:
An island in the Pacific Ocean, like Hawaii. The people called Polynesians traveled in crude boats from Asia to Pacific Islands as far back as 3000 years ago and lived in self sustained societies on some of them. They had simple resource demands, but if they could do it I’m sure we could in the modern age. An island usually has mountains that get lots of rainfall for water, land for crops, and plenty of ocean wind to power wind turbines. As long as the utopia was provided with enough raw materials at the start it could definitely sustain itself. 5,000 is not that many people. The food and resource demands for them would be perfect on an island. Saint Helena is an example of an island settlement that really exists in the Atlantic Ocean and is almost self sustaining.
William asks…
Human population will soon grow to 9 billlion. What could trigger a massive die-off of this overpopulation?
It seems that this population is sustainable only if relative energy sources remain available. It seems that a massive die-off could occur if present living conditions can be maintained. I think that we (and our children) will face problems that we will be unable to withstand unless far-sighted planning takes place.
admin answers:
We can plan all we want here in the civilized part of the world. The problem is in the third world. These people do not live they barely exist. If there is going to be a catastrophe they will feel it first and then it will spread to the rest of us, via air, sea, and environmental transport. The best thing to do is make sure your immune system is working at full capacity and hope people all over the world stop killing each other off and concentrate on creating a true wholesome life style.
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Energy Crossroads: A burning need to change course, Academic Edition & Public Performance
![]() | This academic version has an extra hour of bonus materials that includes a 25 minutes documentary produced in 1974 soon after the 1973 oil embargo, extended interviews, lesson plans, an Eco-facts sheet, a jpeg file from the poster (11X17) and the 2 mini documentaries from the standard version (Cuba's Peak Oil and Steve Andrews "Green Home").Synopsis: As our global population and its appetite for energy rise drastically, resource depletion and global climate change have become the most pressing i | |
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Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems
![]() | A solid, quantitative, practical introduction to a wide range of renewable energy systems—in a completely updated, new editionThe second edition of Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems provides a solid, quantitative, practical introduction to a wide range of renewable energy systems. For each topic, essential theoretical background is introduced, practical engineering considerations associated with designing systems and predicting their performance are provided, and methods for evalu | |
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Renewable Energy: Sustainable Energy Concepts for the Energy Change
![]() | In the years since the publication of the first edition of this book, the world has undergone drastic changes in terms of energy sources. This is reflected in the expansion of this second edition from 20 to 26 chapters. The most dramatic occurrence was the Tsunami which struck Japan in March of 2011 and set off a reactor catastrophe at the nuclear power plants in Fukushima. On the other hand fossil fuel technology drives the climate change to a threatening level. So, renewable energy sources are | |
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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Group
Donald asks…
Why is there never any mention on television of geothermal electricity production?
I now the National Renewable Energy Laboratory has done the Homework on this, It works it is clean, you could make money selling it, so whats the problem?
admin answers:
Westinghouse Electric Company, part of the Nuclear Utilities Business Group of British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL)
GENERAL ELECTRIC –(donated 1.1 million to GW Bush for his 2000 election campaign)
Television Holdings:
* NBC: includes 13 stations, 28% of US households.
* NBC Network News: The Today Show, Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, Meet the Press, Dateline NBC, NBC News at Sunrise.
* CNBC business television; MSNBC 24-hour cable and Internet news service (co-owned by NBC and Microsoft); Court TV (co-owned with Time Warner), Bravo (50%), A&E (25%), History Channel (25%).
The “MS” in MSNBC
means microsoft
The same Microsoft that donated 2.4 million to get GW bush elected.
Other Holdings:
* GE Consumer Electronics.
* GE Power Systems: produces turbines for nuclear reactors and power plants.
* GE Plastics: produces military hardware and nuclear power equipment.
* GE Transportation Systems: runs diesel and electric trains.
Gates Wants Nuclear Power Plant
George asks…
What are the different viewpoints on the use of fossil fuels?
Hello, I am struggling to find viewpoints of the following people:
– Environmentalist
– MEDC (More Economically Developed Countries) Governments
– LEDC (Less Economically Developed Countries) Governments
– Energy Companies
– Consumers
– Oil Producing Countries
– TNC’s Shell? BP?
Can you please give me a few websites which:
-explains why different groups have opinions on the consumption of fossil fuels
– says whether they think fossil fuels should be used in the future and given reasons why
(considers advantages and disadvantages of using fossil fuels vs renewable energy sources)
admin answers:
A brief answer from this consumer… If you believe that humans are causing global warming by using fossil fuels, then fossil fuels should be abandoned. If you believe that humans control their own destiny by changing their environment to serve their needs by using fossil fuels, among other resources, to do so, and that it is essential that humans control their own destiny, then the use of fossil fuels can be justified. If you believe that fossil fuels do not contribute in any way to climate change, or in an only very limited way, and that the use of fossil fuels benefits man, there is no need to justify their use. So, to begin with, let’s agree to admit there are a number of ways to look at this question.
How can we resolve the question, then? Aside from the climate issues, I only can see one other issue that will separate the users from the non-users. Fossil fuels appear to be a limited resource. (I use the term “appear” with some justification. In 1950, I was taught in school that we would run out of oil in 1980. Today, the annual oil consumption world wide is greater than the amount of oil known to exist in 1950. I seriously doubt that the politicians or the producers want mere citizens to know the true extent of this resource, as they use our fears and ignorance to control their policies and prices…) We can, however agree that it is harder to get oil out of the ground today than in 1950, and oil is costing more to produce. The real issue seems to be, “How much longer will the oil supply continue to grow? What will our grandchildren use for an energy source?” As a consumer, watching the world go by, I can only wonder why we waste so much personal energy arguing for or against fossil fuels. When will that energy be directed to the identification of a superior power source?
I hope my ruminations give you some food for thought.
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The Renewable Energy Handbook, Revised Edition: The Updated Comprehensive Guide to Renewable Energy and Independent Living
![]() | This revised edition of The Renewable Energy Handbook focuses on the unique requirements of off-grid living as well as using "green" energy for homeowners who remain connected to the electrical utility. The book contains chapters on: Energy efficiency and economics Home heating and cooling and domestic water heating Photovoltaic, wind, and micro-hydro energy generation Battery selection and inverters Backup power, wireless communications, etc. It includes comprehensive specifications for many o | |
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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Without The Hot Air
Daniel asks…
how are the rising number of aircrafts contributing to the global warming?
admin answers:
There are three gases emitted by aircraft which contribute to global warming: H2O, CO2 and NOx The most obvious is the water vapour (created by burning jet fuels -see below) which forms condensation trails -clouds of frozen ice crystals. Since the air in the upper troposphere (the level at which most commerical planes fly) is naturally very dry, water vapour emitted by aircraft can make a big difference. Sometimes the contrails cover the whole sky as shown by this satellite photo taken over Germany, and the average coverage in this region is about 6%. Have you ever wondered, why the sky is so much clearer in remoter locations?
Although these contrails reflect a little sunlight away from earth, they reflect back to earth much more invisible infra-red (heat) radiation which would otherwise escape to space -and therefore they have an overall warming effect. This is hard to measure accurately, because the contrails eventually spread out and become indistinguishable from natural cirrus clouds.
Not all of the water vapour forms contrails, but water is itself a “greenhouse gas” which also traps this outgoing infra-red radiation. Each water molecule traps much more heat and also survives much longer at this height than it would do at sea-level.
Jet-fuel – kerosene – is a mixture of substances produced by distilling crude oil, which can be represented by C13H28 (this is assumed in the “how much” calculations”). The chemical equation for burning it is as follows:
2C13H28 + 40O2 =>26CO2 + 28H2O
So you can see, that for every 14 water molecules produced, the aircraft must also emit 13 of CO2. This is also a greenhouse gas and will stay in the atmosphere warming the earth for an average of 100 years, some of it for 1000s of years. There’s no way that you can get the energy from such fossil fuel without producing that much CO2. It’s not a by-product that can be “scrubbed” from the exhaust.
A Boeing-747 can burn over 200 tons of fuel in one flight. If you have already clicked your travel route on the world map, the “how much is this” section will calculate the volume of CO2 that will be emitted per passenger. The “global context” section compares this amount to the sustainable average level of emissions per person per year.
A simple “rule of thumb” to remember, is that a plane uses about as much fuel, and therefore produces about as much CO2, as would every passenger driving one car the same distance. So next time you’re thinking of flying thousands of miles, think how much petrol you would need to put in a car to go so far. Since take-off uses a disproportionate amount of fuel, short-haul flights emit a bit more per passenger-kilometer, and long-haul flights a bit less.
Note: the car comparison is for typical european cars, not for the less efficient american gas-guzzlers. Trains produce, on the other hand, about 1/3rd as much CO2 per passenger-kilometer (for more details on this see the “ecobalance of the Climate Train” and the bar-chart below), and could potentially be run from renewable sources of electricity.
So if they use so much fuel, why are flights so cheap now? One reason is that not a penny of tax is paid on aircraft fuel.
But fuel use is not the end of the story. Aircraft also emit NOx gases, a product of combustion of atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen in the very hot jet engines. NOx is not in itself a greenhouse gas but it catalyses the production of ozone (O3), which is a powerful greenhouse gas. Nearer the ground, ozone also leads to the formation of photochemical smog which is harmful to human health.
In the stratosphere, on the other hand, ozone is valuable as it blocks harmful ultra-violet radiation. Unfortunately NOx emissions from aircraft which venture into the stratosphere (such as concorde) catalyse the destruction of ozone there. Confused? -Yes, ozone chemistry is complicated, but in a nutshell, NOx emissions are bad news -producing ozone where we don’t want it, and destroying it where we do..
To make matters even more complicated, NOx emissions also catalyse the destruction of methane (CH4), another greenhouse gas, although this cooling effect is much smaller than the ozone warming effect (see IPCC graphic below). Aircraft emissions of sulphate aerosols also have a slight cooling effect, but also contribute to acid rain.
It’s not easy to quantify the exact greenhouse warming due to water vapour and NOx emissions from aircraft, but a scientific consensus is now emerging, that the total warming effect of all emissions (CO2, H2O and NOx) put together, is in the range 2-5 times greater than that of CO2 alone. This range was confirmed by analysis in the “Special Report on Aviation” published by the “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” (IPCC) in April 1999.
George asks…
what are eco-friendly buildings?is there any impact odo earthequake on such buildings?
admin answers:
As the summer heat begins to rise, going eco-friendly at the workplace could mean huge savings, better health and performance, besides cutting down on greenhouse gas emissionsSo is anyone asking for a return to the dark ages? Not at all! Much can be done without sacrificing personal comfort. In fact, the gains are not only in terms of energy savings but also in terms of overall health and employee performance. According to The Energy and Research Institute (Teri), which has been working for 30 odd years in the field of energy sustainable building technologies, using energy efficient measures, emissions can be reduced by 40 percent. In their experiment with CII-Godrej Green Business Council, Ahmedabad, they were able to effect 35 percent savings in energy. Buildings use over 30 per cent of global energy today. By 2050 they are projected to go beyond 38 per cent, emitting 3,800 mega tonnes of carbon, according to an Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change study.
The break-up in electricity consumption: 40-50 per cent comes from HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioners) 20 per cent comes from lighting and the rest is accounted for by pumps, etc.
The AC works on a mechanism using chemicals that can change from gas to liquid and back easily, and absorbs and gives away heat in the process. The heat is absorbed from the hot air inside and released to the outside.
The impact of earthquakes is much less on eco-friendly buildings.
Indian capabilities in construction are well known from ancient times. The Taj Mahal, Meenakshi Amman temple at Madurai, Moti Masjid in Delhi, Churches in Goa, Rashtrapati Bhavan, Jaipur Palace, the Victoria Memorial Building in Kolkata, the Central Station in Chennai, the Vidhan Saudha in Bangalore are some of the typical standing monuments of architectural beauty and construction. Indian construction expertise is multifaceted today in residential buildings, modern offices, cultural havens, high speed motorways, railways, shipyards and hill construction. Expertise has also been developed in the country in special constructions like space launch complexes, nuclear installations, missile range complexes and ultra-clean rooms. While, engineering developments have taken place in disciplines like civil, electrical, mechanical and allied areas over the years, the construction industry can benefit substantially through the application of Information Technology (IT). The application of IT in construction can pervade the entire life cycle and could percolate in diverse fields such as town planning, architecture, design, project management, costing and marketing. The building and infrastructural constructions have to take into account the natural factors(WHICH ARE MEANT FOR ECO -FRIENDLY BUILDINGS) such as EARTHQUAKES, cyclones, heavy downpours, floods and tsunamis with due analysis, research and experimental verification.
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Grey Moonstone Accents This Sterling Silver Celestial Necklace Made in America
![]() | This sterling silver necklace is custom made for you. .All our jewelry is made in Rhode Island by American Craftsmen and American jobs. The Silver Dragon started in 1978 and became known for originality and quality.Most of the designs were created by my husband, who had both an eye for detail and the expert ability to use carving tools to bring his designs to life. His skill in creating jewelry models and the high level of the workmanship involved with creating each piece of jewel | |
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Baby/Infant/Child/Kid Bum Boosa Bamboo Baby Wipes – Naturally Scented (6 Packs/480 Count) Newborn Gear
![]() | Bum Boosa® Bamboo Baby Wipes is a distinctive product that replaces the traditional synthetic wet wipe using a renewable and sustainable fiber. Nourishing plant-based ingredients, such as Calendula Extract and Organic Aloe Vera effectively care for delicate skin. The essential oils of Lavender and Sweet Orange lend a cheerful, natural scent along with a botanical intelligence long recognized in schools of natural health. Phthalate, Sulfate (SLS), petrolatum, Lanolin and paraben-free. For each p | |
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Energy (Greenwood Guides to Business and Economics)
![]() | Energy: We want it affordable, we want it available in ample quantities and from reliable sources, and we want it to be produced and used in ways that are safe and environmentally benign. In other words, we want plenty of energy too cheap to meter and with no impact on the environment. Ha! With a refreshing lack of bias, this book dissects all major sources of energy, from oil and coal to renewables like solar and wind power. In an easy, understandable style, energy expert Joseph Dukert explains | |
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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Definition
Chris asks…
How does energy efficiency and lowering energy consumption affect..?
How does energy efficiency and lowering energy consumption affect people on a local, national, international scale? In both positive and negative ways.
10 points to anyone who manages to give the most points!!
admin answers:
Less fossil fuel burning, improved energy security, improved energy independence, reduced foreign fuel import, etc.
James asks…
I need to no what conventional and alternative energy is?
I have this huge geography test tomorrow and i was away alot of the time for this class so i didnt get any of the notes i need so i need to no everything possiable about the following :
conventional energy
alternative energy
Anything will help!
admin answers:
I’ll give you one to get you started.
Alternative energy is energy derived from sources that do not harm the environment or deplete the Earth’s natural resources. Typical sources include wind and solar. Nuclear power is usually excluded from this definition.
Related pages
* Renewable energy
* Sustainable energy
* Future energy development
* Alternative fuel vehicle
* Geothermal power
* Ocean energy
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Davines Mat Pliable Stucco, For Wizards, No. 5, Firm, 3.3-Ounces
![]() | The formula mixed with oils & waxes in balanced amount Avoid weighing the hair down with special formula Perfect for medium-short looks Offers a matt effect for styling Provides a strong hold | |
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Snap Circuits Alternative Energy Kit, Green
![]() | Snap Circuits Alternative Energy Kit makes learning about electricity and alternate energy FUN. With over 125 projects to build, youngsters will have endless hours of fun while learning about circuits, electricity, geothermal power and lots more. Contains over 40 parts, including the award-winning Snap Circuits, plus an instruction manual and educational manual that show step-by-step instructions for all the cool stuff you can do. For ages 8-108. Warning: Choking hazard, small parts. For ages 8 | |
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Coleman 58232 36 Watt Folding Solar Panel
![]() | Ideal for 12V battery charging, RVs, boats, back-up, and remote power, the Coleman 36 Watt Folding Solar Panel Kit conveniently folds in half for easy travel and storage. Made with a durable aluminum frame and an amorphous solar cell, the hinged solar panels will work in all daylight conditions, even on cloudy days. Maintentance free and easy to install, the panels are weatherproof and can be used both indoors or outdoors. The complete kit includes: brackets and screws, battery clamps, CLA adapt | |
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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Definition
Richard asks…
Define the factors that make a society sustainable?
Is our society sustainable?
admin answers:
A society is sustainable when it can survive indefinitely. This may seem like a broad definition, but it really gets to the heart of it. A society becomes sustainable when all the processes and methods it uses for continuation of economic, social, environmental, and institutional aspects will remain feasible in the future.
Our society, right now, is not sustainable. I could go on for hours, but one of the major problems is our reliance on oil and coal. It is sustainable short term, but these are not renewable resources, so in the long run we will run out. This is one aspect of the green movement, is trying to switch over to renewable energy (ie wind, water, solar, geothermal, etc). We are also slowly but surely killing off the environment. Actually, the Wikipedia article on sustainability is a very accurate and helpful one, and I judge this based off of a few years of studying sustainability and sustainable technologies.
Maria asks…
How does an open system contrast with a closed system?
A) An open system is prone to collapse, while a closed system is typically more sustainable in the long term
B) An open system is open to scientific scrutiny, while a closed system is not
C) An open system is able to convert energy from one form to another, while a closed system is not able to do so
D) An open system exchanges energy and/or materials with its surroundings, while a closed system does not
admin answers:
That’s the definition of open vs. Closed. A closed system is self-contained. An open system gets inputs from and gives outputs to the part of the world outside it.
However, bear in mind that to some extent, it’s a matter of definition. A nuclear power plant might be considered a closed system, on the power source side anyway, by considering the atomic pile part of the system. And at the same time, the same people might consider a coal plant open on the power source side because of the constant feed of coal from the world. In truth, that’s more of a defined difference. The atomic pile, for instance, might need refueling only every several years while the coal plant needs it every second, but they both still need refueling from the world outside the system.
Time IS a major factor in defining open vs. Closed. In a related way, so is the ease with which the transfers occur. And often one defines something as closed because the aspects of it that are open are not of concern to the definer.
Of course, there’s no truly closed system. Most wouldn’t be much use anyway. And nature is notoriously leaky when it builds systems so built-by-chance doesn’t really produce anything close to closed either.
However, one should also point out that the other three choices are incorrect. So D) is the answer for positive and negative reasons both.
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RENEWABLE ENERGY KIT–Learning Materials-Science-Energy
![]() | Designed to make understanding of renewable and sustainable energy generation an exciting and tactile experience using solar, wind and water power. For indoor or outdoor use, this resource comes in a modular format with 4 interchangeable monitors to show differing outputs from the 3 interchangeable power heads (one base). Kit includes suggested activities and general teachers information. Made of high-impact plastic, the base is 7" x 10", the maximum height is 20", monitors are 3 1/2" in diamete | |
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Alternative Energy Product Suite System Planning Basic Edition
![]() | The Alternative Energy Product Suite (AEPS) System Planning tool is a software application for the design, modeling, and simulation of electrical power systems with an emphasis on renewable energy sources (solar, wind, and hydro). The application calculates power generation, consumption, and storage for modeled systems. Power and cost data can be analyzed to optimize the modeled system based on user objectives and priorities. | |
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Solar Photovoltaic | Sun Solar | Solar Panels | Solar Battery Charger for Laptop | Solar Battery Charger for Cell Phone | Solar Battery Charger for all Electroncis | Solar Cells | Solar Cell | Battery Charger | What is solar energy | Photovoltaic Panels | Renewable Energy | Battery and Chargers | Battery Laptop | Solar Panel Power for MP3 players, MP4 players, portable GPS navigators, GPS trackers, digital cameras, HD camcorders, portable DVD players, portable video game players
![]() | Solar Photovoltaic | Sun Solar | Solar Panels | Solar Battery Charger for Laptop | Solar Battery Charger for Cell Phone | Solar Battery Charger for all Electroncis | Solar Cells | Solar Cell | Battery Charger | What is solar energy | Photovoltaic Panels | Renewable Energy | Battery and Chargers | Battery Laptop | Solar Panel Power for MP3 players, MP4 players, portable GPS navigators, GPS trackers, digital cameras, HD camcorders, portable DVD players, portable video game players | |
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Windmills Renewable Energy Wall Decal for Home or Office 36″ X 41″
![]() | This decal will make a bold statement for renewable energy.
This include six various sized windmills - the tallest windmill is 36" tall. Overall dimensions as pictures are 36" tall x 41" wide. (72" x 83" shown in product image) see our other sizes to see what is right for you.
This is easy to install and comes with application instructions. Can be removed without damaging walls.
Printed on Oracal Exhibit satin vinyl.
Sticker Hog Vinyl Wall Decals are great for decorating interior walls. Thes | |
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