Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Systems

Thomas asks…

Can the worlds Political Systems respond effectively to climate change?

Climate change is a threat which will affect all countries. Can a Sustainable Earth be developed given todays Political systems?

admin answers:

No, the world with all of it’s “human” power and control structures will have to fail and be remade… 49% of the global economy is made up of souvenir nations, the other 51% is made up of corporations. When profit and domination is your main goal, everything else becomes an obstruction or an obstacle to over come.

For too many people, money is their only measure of value… Too many people are now disconnected from nature and the Planet and can easily live in denial of the consequences of how they live in urban areas, going from conditioned space to conditioned space… Only taking note of the out side world when it’s too hot or too cold or too wet for their preference.

Sustainable equals self sufficiency… That’s way too much work for most people.

Economic re-localization is a way to decentralize and reverse the dominate corporatist system of consolidating wealth and power for the few at the expense of the many. But how will they give up power and control without failure or a huge bloody fight?

The only thing that works is to deny the corporate world their control and power that they derive from profit. Don’t buy their crap any more. Let them starve to death, like this recession is doing! Grow your own food, barter, buy only second hand, nothing new… Go to garage sales, not a retail store like; Walmart, Sam’s Club or Home Depot.

You can buy a previously owned home and make it a net zero energy home cheaper than buying or building a new green washed home… Educate yourself!

The Planet is a living entity with a form of consciousness and knows who her friends are who her enemies are… If this does not make sense to some of you, it only shows how little you know and understand about the Universe…

Joseph asks…

What’s the high capital start up cost of sustainable “green” alternative energy sources?

admin answers:

It can really depend on what type of system your looking for. If you would like something small to start out with (which is the best way to start) then check out I bought one about a year ago and it saves me about 20% a month on my electric bill.

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