Your Questions About Renewable Energy For Kids
Ruth asks…
How do we transition from non-renewable resources to sustainable clean energy?
With the reduction in global oil and cost production, and the current shift in the US to natural gas, major energy sources are dynamic in time. In the coming future, how can we as a global society, shift our focus from non-renewable fossil fuels to renewable clean energy sources that meet all our growing energy challenges?
admin answers:
Start having fewer children.
The energy demand from 7 billion people is so high that it cannot be met by clean, renewable sources even if these sources became 25% better overnight. Right now we have a choice: have fewer kids and let them live good lives supported by clean renewable energy, or have another seven billion kids and watch them live miserably and fight over whatever declining non-renewable resources exist.
Steven asks…
What happened that gas stations no longer have attendants like they used to? For instance Texaco had at least?
two come out to check your car and one would check your oil when permitted to, or wash the windshield. Another would pump your gas,and sometimes a third one would check your tire pressure. If you had a kid with you they would get a lollipop. Is it a combination of corporate greed, over-regulation of government and excessive taxation? Also the fact that the gasoline is way out of proportion to it’s true value. I would love to see a break-through of cheap energy that no government had a chance to stop or regulate come to the people.I am sure that cheap renewable energy is abundant out there,that is being suppressed!
admin answers:
In oregon and new jersey they have attendants pumping gas because self serve is illegal but they dont do any of the other things
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