Renewable Energy Resources
![]() | Retaining the successful format of the first edition and building on its solid grounding in the principles of renewable energy resources, this second edition has been revised in line with the latest advances in the field to include new technologies and an assessment of their impact. Considering each technology in depth from both scientific and environmental perspectives, it covers solar energy, photovoltaic, wind, wave, tidal and hydro power, biofuels, geothermals and more, as well as featuring | |
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The Energy Imperative: 100 Percent Renewable Now
![]() | For decades, Hermann Scheer was one of the world’s leading proponents of renewable energy. In this, his last book before his death in 2010, he lays out his vision for a planet 100% powered by renewables and examines the fundamental ethical and economic imperatives for such a shift. And most importantly, he demonstrates why the time for this transition is now. In Scheer’s view, talk of "bridging technologies" such as carbon capture and storage or nuclear energy – even (and perhaps especial | |
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A Practical Guide to Renewable Energy: Microgeneration Systems and their Installation
![]() | A guide to renewable energy specifically aimed at vocational and professional construction courses A Practical Guide to Renewable Energy provides the perfect introduction to one of the construction industry’s leading growth areas, containing an overview of all types of renewable energy sources, as well as information relating to the installation and inspection of renewable energy systems. The practical focus in this book will give you the confidence to pass micro-generation exams, discuss the | |
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Renewable Energy: A First Course
![]() | Renewable energy has great significance for the world’s future, given the environmental issues related to energy generation and energy’s importance in our society. Making wise energy choices is not easy, however. It involves balanced consideration of economic, environmental, technical, political, and other perspectives to weigh the relative costs and benefits for a host of possible technologies. Renewable Energy: A First Course is an accessible textbook for science and engineering students w | |
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Wind Power as a Viable Solution to Meeting Alternative Energy Needs
Although it is much less expensive to initially get hooked into the local electric company’s grid than it is to set up and hook into wind turbines, in the long run one saves money by utilizing the wind for one’s energy needswhile also becoming more independent. Not receiving an electric bill while enjoying the advantages of the modern electrically-driven lifestyle is a wondrous feeling.
Electric bills and fuel bills are rising steadilybut the cost of wind turbine energy is zero, and the cost of installing and hooking up a turbine is steadily coming down as demand rises and more commercial success is realized by various companies producing the turbines and researching technologies to make them ever more efficient. In addition, people are moving away from the traditional electric grids and the fossil fuels for personal reasons including desire for greater independence, the desire to live remotely or rurally without having to go primitive, political concerns such as fears of terrorist strikes on oil fields or power grids, or concerns about the environment. Again, this motivation to get away from the traditional energy sources is the same one that causes people to seek the power of the wind for their energy, giving more business opportunities to profit from wind turbine production and maintenance, which drives their costs down for the consumers. In nearly thirty states at the time of this writing, homeowners who remain on the grid but who still choose to use wind energy (or other alternative forms) are eligible for rebates or tax breaks from the state governments that end up paying for as much as 50% of their total green energy systems’ costs. In addition, there are 35 states at the time of this writing where these homeowners are allowed to sell their excess energy back to the power company under what are called net metering laws. The rates that they are being paid by the local power companies for this energy are standard retail ratesin other words, the homeowners are actually profiting from their own energy production.
Some federal lawmakers are pushing to get the federal government to mandate these tax breaks and other wind power incentives in all 50 states. Japan and Germany already have national incentive programs in place. However, A lot of this is handled regionally by state law. There wouldn’t really be a role for the federal government, the Energy Department’s Craig Stevens says. And as might be imagined, there are power companies who feel that it’s unfair that they should have to pay retail rates to private individuals. We should [only have to] pay you the wholesale rate for … your electricity, according to Bruce Bowen, Pacific Gas & Electric’s director of regulatory policy. However, the companies seem to be more worried about losing short term profits than about the benefits, especially in the long run, of the increased use of wind turbines or wind farms. Head of the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies of California V. John White points out, It’s quality power that strengthens the grid.
Introduction to Renewable Energy (Energy and the Environment)
![]() | As the world population grows and places more demand on limited fossil fuels, renewable energy becomes more relevant as part of the solution to the impending energy dilemma. Renewable energy is now included in national policies, with goals for it to be a significant percentage of generated energy within the coming decades. A comprehensive overview, Introduction to Renewable Energy explores how we can use the sun, wind, biomass, geothermal resources, and water to generate more sustainable energy. | |
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Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems
![]() | This is a comprehensive textbook for the new trend of distributed power generation systems and renewable energy sources in electric power systems. It covers the complete range of topics from fundamental concepts to major technologies as well as advanced topics for power consumers.An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department -- to obtain the manual, send an email to | |
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Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future
![]() | The provision of sustainable energy supplies for an expanding and increasingly productive world is one of the major issues facing civilization today. Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Third Edition, examines both the practical and economic potential of the renewable energy sources to meet this challenge. The underlying physical and technological principles behind deriving power from direct solar (solar thermal and photovoltaics), indirect solar (biomass, hydro, wind, and wave) an | |
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Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes, Third Edition
![]() | With energy sustainability and security at the forefront of public discourse worldwide, there is a pressing need to foster an understanding of clean, safe alternative energy sources such as solar and wind power. Aldo da Rosa's highly respected and comprehensive resource fulfills this need; it has provided thousands of engineers, scientists, students and professionals alike with a thorough grounding in the scientific principles underlying the complex world of renewable energy technologies. This n | |
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Renewable Energy: Technology, Economics and Environment
![]() | This book presents the physical and technical principles of promising ways of utilising renewable energies. In this context, firstly the main characteristics of the available renewable energy streams are outlined. Subsequently, the book presents the technologies of heat provision from passive and active solar systems, ambient air, shallow geothermal energy as well as energy from deep geothermal sources. In the preceding chapters the book addresses the processes of electricity generation from sol | |
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Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes, Second Edition
![]() | We are hearing a LOT about renewable energy these days! But unlike most available resources on alternative energy that focus on politics and economic impacts, da Rosa's practical guide, Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes, is dedicated to explaining the scientific and technological principles and processes that enable energy production from safe, renewable, clean sources. Advances in the renewable energy sphere are proceeding with an unprecedented speed, and in order for the world's alarm | |
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Renewable Energy, Fourth Edition: Physics, Engineering, Environmental Impacts, Economics & Planning
![]() | This volume is a true shelf reference, providing a thorough overview of the entire renewable energy sphere, while still functioning as a go-to information source for professionals and students when they need answers about a specific technical issue. Crafted over the last 15 years into a problem-solving tool for engineers, researchers, consultants and planners currently working in the field, as well as a detailed map of the renewables universe for those looking to expand into new technological sp | |
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