
Your Questions About Renewable Energy Jobs

Mandy asks…

What jobs could i get with a degree in ‘Green energy technology’?

is it a waste of time studying a degree like this? or will it bring me fantastic job prospects in the future as countries aim to generate more of their energy via greener sources?
Or is the renewable energy industry looking for tradesmen like plumbers? or maybe skilled electrical engineers?

Any information will be fantastic…

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Richard asks…

What is Republican’s long-term solution to the energy crisis?

Just a gentle reminder that oil is a non-renewable energy source.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy For All

Sharon asks…

Advantages and disadvantages of sustainable/energy efficient transport?

Could anybody tell a few advantages and disadvantages of sustainable/energy efficient transport? It’s for homework but I’m having trouble thinking of points that apply to all types of energy efficient transport :/
Thank you 🙂

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Susan asks…

What is a good theme for an environment summer camp?

The theme last year was Scientricity: Energizing Science Clubbers for Sustainable energy

Can you give me some ideas please

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Jobs

Sharon asks…

what daily activities can be done effectively if solar energy is used?

to reduce the use of non-renewable energy in our day-to-day activities, solar energy can be used as it is abundantly available to us. but please give me an idea for which of our daily activities can solar energy be used however small or trivial the work is.

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Sandy asks…

is this saying appropriate for a renewable energy poster?

I’m drawing a poster for a contest, and it’s promoting the use of renewable energy. I have the title coming across the top as “Cleaner Energy for a Cleaner World”, and I would like to have this sentence in the middle of the page:

“Using renewable energy sources can lower expenditures, create jobs and a healthier environment for all.”

I’m not sure about the “lower expenditures”, what can I replace that with? I just want to make sure that I’m not saying an incorrect phrase haha. Thanks!!

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Companies

Robert asks…

Where will Barack Obama invest in for his new energy plan?

He mentions renewable energy sources as well as alternative fuels but never goes into detail. What will he do?

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Chris asks…

I have my own building company and I want to start looking into solar panels etc, could do with some help?

I want to branch off into renewable energy, solar panels, water tanks etc, this will be offered to my clients of homes, holiday homes and small businesses. Any advice/helpful websites would be a great help. Thanks

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy

Maria asks…

Why is NASA not at work trying to solve America’s energy needs?

Seems to me that some of the world’s most accomplished scientists are under-employed now that Manned Space Flight has been suspended.
Could those guys not be put to work developing the technology to provide clean and sustainable energy to the world?
Seems like the Patent royalties might help with out tax burden.

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Sandra asks…

How do I feed generated power back into the electric grid?

This is for a school project. I’m going to build and install green/sustainable energy harvesters (solar, wind) for my house. I was wondering how I could feed the energy i get from these appliances back into my house and turn my electric meter backward. Any help would be appreciated!

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Companies

Carol asks…

how come my electric bill went up due to the raising cost of oil/gas if I use a renewable energy tarrif?

UK: I got a letter saying that my electric bill went up due to the raising cost of wholesale oil and gas. But I’m on a renewable energy tarrif. surely gas and oil are’nt renewable energy sources and should’nt affect my bill. I think I’m being lied to or something. screwed maybe?

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Steven asks…

Would you be slightly uneasy if I told you we subsidize oil and gas companies in the amount of 41 billion?

In comparison to the precocious renewable energy industry’s 6 billion?

This comes from Doug Koplow of the energy consulting firm “Earth Track”.

In the words of Rep. Joe Barton, not offering these subsidies would be “disincentives”.

He’s saying we have to pay them for the privilege of paying them.

Where is this logic, exactly?

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Definition

Steven asks…

What is the optimum human population of earth, if there is one. If a maximum level is exceeded would it reduce

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Thomas asks…

To what extent do you think the new Tesco in Woolwich will be sustainable?

this is one of my geography Q which i need help with..

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Jobs

Lisa asks…

What is the future of Renewable energy and how it will helps to make best career?

I really wants to know that what is the important of the Renewable energy and how it helps to make a good career…i have some name for that like http://www.utnrenewables.co.uk/

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Lizzie asks…

Is the Department of Energy doing a good job of meeting its goals as set forth in its mission statement?

1.In your opinion, is the Department of Energy doing a good job of meeting its goals as set forth in its mission statement? Why or why not?

2. Do you agree with President Obama’s policies to reduce dependency on foreign energy and increase domestic production of renewable energy? Why or why not?

3. What are you doing to decrease your personal consumption of energy?

4. Do you think our nation is doing enough to address the growing energy needs of our population? What energy policy do you feel is best for our nation?

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Development

Laura asks…

Any simple science activities to illustrate sustainable development?

For example, 2 years ago we made the students build a simple water purifier from simple materials in the lab. Any other ideas for relatively simple science experiments?

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Sharon asks…

what are the colleges/universities offering M.SC in renewable energy/green Technology courses in india?

I am a B.SC computer science graduate. I want to do post graduation in energy related studies. for example green energy technology/ Renewable energy/ sustainable development/ alternative energy.
I can not go for M.Tech because I am B.SC not B.Tech/BE I am tired of searching internet and Google.Thanks in advance.

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Companies

Richard asks…

What fortune 500 or 1000 company did Peter Katzburg work for?

Peter Katzburg is now the CFO of Sentinel Renewable Energy S.C. Inc. and it was stated that he used to be the CFO for a fortune 500 and 1000 company. I was wondering if anyone here happened to know.
Also, any websites or tools that you use to track/look up this type of info would also be okay. I can do my own legwork, I’m just running in circles right now. Thanks!

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David asks…

Where can I find this energy commercial?

What is this clean energy commercial?
Does anyone remember this commercial? I saw it a few years ago. It shows a bunch of different people taking a deep breath in and then exhaling. Meanwhile, a narrator is saying something like “what if we could all breath a little better /easier.” It is a commercial about renewable energy and/or preventing pollution. Does anyone know any links or at least the company advertising it so I can look it up myself? Thanks.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Solutions

Ken asks…

What would be an optimal size of a city and why?

Energy, transportation, waste management, social services, employment, food, production, politics, economics, entertainment, are all factors in what would be affected. What do you think would be an ideal size range for a city?

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William asks…

What are the valid reasons to oppose the development of alternative fuels.?

Recently there have been several questions and answers raising concerns about the use of alternative fuels. To this end, different claims were made but they tended to be poorly cited and erroneously portrayed.

So… what are the genuine reasons that people have for opposing wind, solar, tidal, geothermal energy.

And please, opinions are fine but if you’re going to state ‘facts’ then please substantiate them with credible links.

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Jobs

James asks…

Should i pursue a PhD in Pharmacy ? and a PhD in Renewable energy engineering?

should i pursue a PhD in Pharmacy? and a PhD in Renewable energy engineering? or should i get masters degrees for the two fields?

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David asks…

How do I enter the renewable energy industry?

I just left my job as an online advertising manager for a successful online retailer. My personal interests and sense of responsibility to help save our planet have prompted me to seek an opportunity in the renewable energy industry.

Does anyone have any advice on how I can break into this hot new field? My background is journalism and a specialization in online channel partners, especially eBay, Amazon, and Shop.com.


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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Fund

George asks…

What are the different economic interests of the four leading political parties in canada?

Bloc Quebecois
Green Party

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Nancy asks…

What is the cost associated with installing/using biofuels?

Government, Provincial, Municipal funding, burden on tax payers

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy

Linda asks…

What is the best online source for renewable energy news?

I am looking for an educational online website for reliable renewable energy news and industry information.. I’d appreciate it, thanks!

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Susan asks…

How many years until we get to a Renewable Energy economy?

How long do you think realistically will it take for us to have our energy come from renewable energy systems?

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Content

George asks…

How effective will the following recent policy actions be at reducing carbon emissions?


Alternative question: Same question as the above, but “as compared with a plan that specifically targets carbon emissions, such as a carbon tax or a flexible cap and trade system”.

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Carol asks…

Why do we have regulatory commissions to regulate prices on things?

Aren’t they supposed to monitor the prices of utilities, oil, gas and such? For the past 10 years prices have skyrocketed more than ever before and there’s no end in sight. I think alot of the rate hikes are due to greed and yet these commissions do nothing to stop it. What are your feelings on this?

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Definition

Lisa asks…

Why do greenies dislike Nuclear Energy?

An honest analysis of Nukes and its history clearly show it is the free energy mankind was waiting for. But somehow liberals, the left, and greenies hate it.
Is there an honest, science minded liberal reading this that can share this in a way that MIGHT convince your fellow liberals.

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Sandy asks…

what are some good projects to help a BIO AP class learn about BIOMASS?

links would be very helpful.

projects, field trips, activities..anything BIO-MASS!!!

please help its important that our future generations keep our planet healthy!

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy For Kids

Michael asks…

What are some products or services needed in the United States today?

My professor wants us to come up with a list of some products and/or services that would be useful in the world today? I’ve thought of somethings that frustrate me were a service or product would help however; I’m drawing a blank and need some more ideas can anyone help?

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Sharon asks…

Does tuition increase with the number of classes you take each semester?

I don’t know that much about college. I want to know exactly what it is that tuition cover. Also what are the other expenses in going to college?

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Technologies

Sharon asks…

What kind of science and technology do you think is needed for realizing a more prosperous & sustainable world?

by prosperous i mean happiness ( including wealth but not only limited to wealth)

by sustainable i am talking in enviornment terms and development which can be sustained for future generations also.

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Charles asks…

Why is it important that people conserve energy?

Why is it important that people conserve energy?
Okay, I have my science homework its a question and the question asks: there is a limited amount of energy available on Earth. Why is it important that people conserve energy??
Please help me!!!!

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Certificates

Linda asks…

what is Master Certificate in Renewable Energy?

what is Master Certificate in Renewable Energy?

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William asks…

Where can I get an Alternative Energy education?

I have my A.S. Degree in radiologic technology, but I want to get in on the ground floor of this Business.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Companies

Lisa asks…

how competitive is the job market for systems/control engineers specialising in sustainable energy management?

s&c eng is my degree.. i absolutely love it..

the environment and energy resources as a whole is my interest (helping people, etc etc), but i dont know where to go, if should get a masters or just rely on work experience, etc..

any advice on these fields would be great 🙂 ta!

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Steven asks…

Is it worth my while investing in natural energy for my home?

I was thinking about investing in some Solar Panels and a small Wind Turbine to power my home.
I live alone and do not consume lots of electricity.

From what I hear I am looking at waiting at least 10 years before I see them pay for themselves.
Is this true? Are they really more trouble than they are worth?

Because if the cost-benefit ratio is too unbalanced, I might as well just stick to nuclear power.

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