Daily Archives: November 28, 2021

Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Technologies

Charles asks…

Can sustainable technology (solar/wind) still be improved or does it just need to be implemented?

I am thinking about getting a major in Appropriate Technology, which is basically about sustainability and sustainable technologies like solar, wind, etc power. I’m curious though… how much can these systems be improved upon? I want to get into the engineering side of this field and be the guy who designs and improves them. I DO NOT want to be the guy who goes out and just installs solar panels all day. That’s not where my interests lie. Can a solar panel or wind turbine still be improved upon?

What are some other types of jobs I could get besides sustainability engineer or installer?

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Maria asks…

How Do You Feel About Nuclear Energy?

Do people invest enough in solar energy?

I think that we need to invest in solar, wind and other safe alternative energy sources.
I am distrustful of nuclear power plants in their current design for several reasons I think the disposal of nuclear waste is an issue that has not been adequately addressed and will come back to haunt future generations.

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