Monthly Archives: October 2021

Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Companies

Betty asks…

Why can’t liberals accept that the energy companies are not in favor of sustainable clean energy?

and therefore it can’t be developed?
If they just train to be nuclear plant workers in the GE Mark 1-
(just like Chernobyl, 3 Mile Island, San Onofre and Fukushima)- they’d have jobs
making power- is that the real reason they hate nukes?

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William asks…

Sustainable ways to reduce heat loss from a large Victorian house?

I need several ways in which to reduce the amount of heat loss in a large Victorian/old house, such as thermal lined curtains e.t.c?
Please help!

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy

Lisa asks…

How long would the sun last if it was the size of a baseball?

Is it possible to replicate the sun on small scales and produce sustainable energy. How long would it last if it was the size of a baseball?

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David asks…

What is the single most important issue that faces the United States in the global arena?

What is the single most important issue that faces the United States in the global arena?
Does climate change and sustainable energy development answer this question?

Anybody want to explain how climate change and sustainable energy development is the single most important issue that faces the United States in the global arena?

If not, what do you think is the most important issue? Why?

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