Daily Archives: September 28, 2021

Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Companies

Linda asks…

Why can’t liberals accept that the energy companies are not in favor of sustainable clean energy?

and therefore it can’t be developed?
If they just train to be nuclear plant workers in the GE Mark 1-
(just like Chernobyl, 3 Mile Island, San Onofre and Fukushima)- they’d have jobs
making power- is that the real reason they hate nukes?

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Lisa asks…

What are 2 companies that use sustainable materials?

I need to research two companies that are using sustainable materials.
what materials they are using and how its impacting our earth ?

&& what not.
you don’t need to go into detail.
i just need names;
i can find the rest on my own.

but if you’d like to it’d be a great help(:


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