Daily Archives: September 12, 2021

Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Development

Paul asks…

Whats the best college for “go green” and renewable energy?

I really like finding out information on go green and renewable energy. But i don’t know what major, or what college would be best for it.

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Robert asks…

what is most important to countries like India and world ?

What are the most important challenges for the current and future generation.
1. Sustainable development like preserving water resources, forests, and environment.
2. More food production to feed ever growing population like agriculture jobs.
3.creating clean energy to fight against climate change and reduce the dependency on fossil fuels which will help a lot for developing economies like India and china.
Out of three which one you will choose as your career. your views based on earnings, recognition, reputation in society and satisfaction.Only some wise and sincere answers.

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