Daily Archives: August 12, 2021

Your Questions About Sustainable Energy For All

Laura asks…

Sustainable Construction for a football stadium?

I was wondering if it is possible to construct a football stadium that is run on sustainable energy sources such as PV and what materials would be available to use for construction? I know timber is sustainable and it can sometimes be as strong and durable as steel but it is not really suitable for a football stand.

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John asks…

What is wrong with wanting to live on a sustainable, clean and healthy planet?

Many people think global climate change is based on “junk” science. Even if the science is wrong, and we follow guidlines to correct global climate change. The result is we end up with sustainable, efficient energy and a cleaner, healthier planet (to name a few benefits). What is wrong with that?
Don’t say money. All these things are free and save money: more walking, using less water, petitioning, voting, using less electric, not littering, educating those around you, reduce, reuse, recycle. By the way, I bought my hybrid used for $7,000. I have had it for three years. I get 56 mpg, and just get oil changes regularily. No, I don’t plug it in.

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