Monthly Archives: July 2021

Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Solutions

Sandy asks…

How do we avoid or use less of oil/petroleum?

I believe we should slow down our demand and use of this source, so how do we do so? Hybrid cars? Go Green products? Alternate energy? Can you give me any others? Please specify.

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William asks…

why is it hard to find sustainable solutions?

Why can’t we find substainible soutions for our enviornmental problems?

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Jobs

Daniel asks…

How comes people use John McCain’s POW time as an excuse for him supporting failed policies?

95% of the time he voted for Bush and now supports alot of his policies which brought us record job loss, record defecits, an inflated dollar, no renewable energy, and 500 billion dollars spent overseas and people use his POW time as an excuse?

That’s fucking pathetic.

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Linda asks…

Why do the environmentalist whackos prevent us from getting ahead?

China is drilling for oil 50 miles off our coast (closer to the US than our own oil rigs). The President of Iran stated he was going to build 7 new oil refineries so Iran can become self sufficiant. But we can’t get what is rightfully ours because the environmental weenies won’t let us. WHY? Have you seen the price of gas?

And please don’t give me any nonsense about biodeisel, renewable energy, blah blah blah.

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