Daily Archives: April 28, 2021

Your Questions About Renewable Energy Jobs

Donna asks…

After 4 years engineering in UNSW, I will become a engineer and work in some industries?

After 4 years engineering in UNSW, I will become a engineer and work in some industries?
I am going to do renewable energy engineering in UNSW, Will I work in industries after 4years or any other choices?

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George asks…

Is ‘renewable energy technology’ too broad a degree to study in order to come out with good job prospects?

I want a career in the green energy sector but not 100% sure what side of the career i’d like to work in, eg engineer or researcher etc. So is it worth studying a degree at leceister university; ‘green energy technology’? Or is is too broad a subject to study and therefore come out with good prospects, if i were to do this course, what would my options be after graduating?

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