Daily Archives: April 12, 2021

Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Technologies

Laura asks…

How valuable do you think green energy is to our future?

While we are depleting natural resources at a phenomenal rate.. eventually the oil reserves will be depleted, as well as our coal resources. Unfortunately, while green energies are still in their infantile state it makes more sense to capitalize off of fossil fuels while they are available to us. Would you place all of your bets on an energy source that is finite, or would you rather invest in future technologies that are sustainable?

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Jenny asks…

What Kind of technology do you need to maintain a sustainable and cooperative world?

“What kind of technology do you believe is necessary to maintain a sustainable and cooperative world?”
It is my science topic and I don’t understand it >< It would help if you could tell me what it means or what the answer is. thankyouu

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