Monthly Archives: March 2021

Your Questions About Renewable Energy Companies

David asks…

Are you willing to pay an extra 30-40% on your electric bill if it’s 100% renewable energy?

I am moving to Dallas, and in Dallas they have like 20 different electric companies and some offer 100% renewable energy such as Green Mountain. I come to the conclusion that the cost is about 30-40% more than ones who don’t use renewable energy. Do you think paying the difference is worth it?

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Steven asks…

Ireland has a renewable energy company. I think the name Haus is in it. Do y’all know what I’m referring to?

I stumbled upon a site for a renewable energy, alternative energy plant in Ireland, it looked interesting & I was about to read it when I was interrupted. When I came back my wee bundle of joy had Sonic, (the obnoxious rodent) up on the screen & my Ireland article was gone. *so sad* Does anyone know what I was reading or referring to? Sorry my description is so vague.

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Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Companies

Jenny asks…

what are some of the options the U.S. has for dealing with this potential energy crisis in the future?

One of the big issues that we’re hearing more and more about in political debates and discussions is the issue of the energy resources of the United States. There are some obvious concerns here, namely that we depend heavily on foreign oil. The question is what are some of the options the U.S. has for dealing with this potential energy crisis in the future?

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Maria asks…

How is energy created through the use of geothermal energy?

This is for a science project, I really can’t find information that is that good on the internet, please help everyone 🙂

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