Monthly Archives: November 2020
Your Questions About Renewable Energy Jobs
Sharon asks…
what daily activities can be done effectively if solar energy is used?
to reduce the use of non-renewable energy in our day-to-day activities, solar energy can be used as it is abundantly available to us. but please give me an idea for which of our daily activities can solar energy be used however small or trivial the work is.
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Sandy asks…
is this saying appropriate for a renewable energy poster?
I’m drawing a poster for a contest, and it’s promoting the use of renewable energy. I have the title coming across the top as “Cleaner Energy for a Cleaner World”, and I would like to have this sentence in the middle of the page:
“Using renewable energy sources can lower expenditures, create jobs and a healthier environment for all.”
I’m not sure about the “lower expenditures”, what can I replace that with? I just want to make sure that I’m not saying an incorrect phrase haha. Thanks!!
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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Companies
Robert asks…
Where will Barack Obama invest in for his new energy plan?
He mentions renewable energy sources as well as alternative fuels but never goes into detail. What will he do?
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Chris asks…
I have my own building company and I want to start looking into solar panels etc, could do with some help?
I want to branch off into renewable energy, solar panels, water tanks etc, this will be offered to my clients of homes, holiday homes and small businesses. Any advice/helpful websites would be a great help. Thanks
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