Monthly Archives: August 2020

Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Development

Laura asks…

Any simple science activities to illustrate sustainable development?

For example, 2 years ago we made the students build a simple water purifier from simple materials in the lab. Any other ideas for relatively simple science experiments?

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Sharon asks…

what are the colleges/universities offering M.SC in renewable energy/green Technology courses in india?

I am a B.SC computer science graduate. I want to do post graduation in energy related studies. for example green energy technology/ Renewable energy/ sustainable development/ alternative energy.
I can not go for M.Tech because I am B.SC not B.Tech/BE I am tired of searching internet and Google.Thanks in advance.

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Your Questions About Renewable Energy Companies

Richard asks…

What fortune 500 or 1000 company did Peter Katzburg work for?

Peter Katzburg is now the CFO of Sentinel Renewable Energy S.C. Inc. and it was stated that he used to be the CFO for a fortune 500 and 1000 company. I was wondering if anyone here happened to know.
Also, any websites or tools that you use to track/look up this type of info would also be okay. I can do my own legwork, I’m just running in circles right now. Thanks!

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David asks…

Where can I find this energy commercial?

What is this clean energy commercial?
Does anyone remember this commercial? I saw it a few years ago. It shows a bunch of different people taking a deep breath in and then exhaling. Meanwhile, a narrator is saying something like “what if we could all breath a little better /easier.” It is a commercial about renewable energy and/or preventing pollution. Does anyone know any links or at least the company advertising it so I can look it up myself? Thanks.

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