Your Questions About Sustainable Energy Fund

Michael asks…

How do I switch to a GREEN energy provider?

I want to switch to a provider that uses renewable resources but I’m not sure how to go about doing so, any help would be appreciated.

admin answers:

Like the former said, you should contact your utility provider for help on this subject. You can switch to a sustainable source if you ask for it, although it can cost more (in my opinion, you’re funding a good research cause). Otherwise you can start making your house green with better insulation, or placing solar panels and wind turbines on/around your house to power locally.

Remember, the less distance energy has to travel, the less electric junk has to be built to sustain that energy that comes from faraway powerplants. Also it is a higher-quality energy, and less energy is lost by heat through this process (more efficient).

Hey man, power to you
pun intended.

Charles asks…

Why do we want to bankrupt the coal industry?

The U.S. is very rich with coal that we have the knowledge to convert and use as alternative fuel. Why would we spend more tax-payer’s dollars to fund Pres Elect Barry’s plan to look for other solutions when the answer is right under our noses? Why is this not in America’s best interests? Is it because the big wigs in the oil industry have the whole system of government on their payroll? That would explain those outrageous gas prices we were dealing with. Then when they realized they were helping to destroy the economy; they lowered the prices out of guilt. What is the “official” reason for the decline anyways?

admin answers:

First and foremost, because it’s destroying the planet. Second, coal is a dying technology; CO2 emissions control is inevitable and imminent, so sinking the kind of capital required to make a large dent in oil imports would be incredibly uneconomical. China is going to transition to more nuclear plants and renewable sources, as India is currently doing. Third, C2L is not a sustainable solution; it merely prolongs and exacerbates the problem. Fourth… Who am I kidding, you’re not going to listen anyways.

“Is it because the big wigs in the oil industry have the whole system of government on their payroll?”

Indirectly, yes. The reason we don’t have a real energy policy like the UK, France, or Sweden is very much because of the corrupt piggy bank/revolving door relationship between the US government and the oil companies. However, what you’re proposing is not any kind of solution. What’s with the right’s carbon-fuel fetish anyways?

“Then when they realized they were helping to destroy the economy; they lowered the prices out of guilt.”

Actually, it’s a harbinger of very bad things to come – a deflationary economic collapse.

“What is the ‘official’ reason for the decline anyways?”

It was mostly a result of a short-run supply shortfall, but in 2007-2008 it was greatly exacerbated by commodities speculation. The speculation was itself fueled by the Fed and other central banks, who tried to re-inflate the housing bubble in the west by monetary expansion. However, the money went not into equities or debt, but commodities and foreign currencies.

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