Your Questions About Sustainable Energy

Steven asks…

What are some methods of sustainable energy?

What are some methods of sustainable energy? a method that can be researched and enough information can be written about it


admin answers:

How to get water in a waterless area with out resort to wells or pumps.

How to get electricity in an area not served by the grid again without resort to generators.

Growing your own food.

Almost anything and every thing you do or need as most of it relies on energy from sources outside of yourself that are not sustainable.

Michael asks…

Does anyone know of a good car donation charity that goes towards promoting sustainable energy?

I live in Minnesota and have looked at options for donating my car which is a 1996 Pontiac Grand Am that still runs good except for the entire muffler/exhaust system came detatched and I am not willing to pay for it to get fixed. I’m having difficulty finding charities online that contribute to sustainable energy or something of the latter.

admin answers:

I dont know of any for contributing to sustainable energy,But Our Lady Of The Wayside helps with mentally challenged Adults perhaps you would reconsider where you would want your donation to help.(its tax deductible)

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