Your Questions About Renewable Energy World

Betty asks…

How much money does the world spend on renewable energy?

I was wondering how much money does the world as a total spends on renewable energy?

admin answers:

17 trillion a year

Laura asks…

What are the best examples of renewable energy being put to good use in the real world?

I’m writing a report for school on the future of renewable energy (including wind, water, solar, geothermal, and biofuel), and want to give some real world examples of how renewable energy is being used effectively today. What strikes you as some of the best real world examples you’ve seen or heard of?

admin answers:

Geothermal energy used in Iceland. Iceland’s many geysers and hotsprings make it an excellent location for geothermal energy.

Niagra Falls and Hoover Dam… Provide a ton of electrical power.

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