Your Questions About Renewable Energy Certificates

Joseph asks…

What kinds of jobs can this renewable energy certificate get me?

The courses that are required are chemistry fundamentals, basic electricity, applied alternative and renewable energy, and technical math 2. It’s a 14 credit program.

admin answers:

Go to

Maria asks…

What kind of jobs can this renewable energy certificate get me?

The courses that are required are chemistry fundamentals, basic electricity, applied alternative and renewable energy, and technical math 2. It’s a 14 credit program.
Thanks for the spam. I reported you.

admin answers:

Perhaps as an aide to ——

Agricultural scientists.
Some types of
scientists work to improve agriculture.
Crop scientists study the genetic breeding
and management of field crops. Soil sci-
entists use soil physics, soil chemistry,
and soil microbiology to enhance soil fer-
tility and the growth of plants. Agrono-
mists develop practical applications for
discoveries in plant and soil science to
produce high quality food.
Other scientists
. There are many other
branches of science. Geologists study the
history and composition of our planet, in-
cluding volcanoes and earthquakes.
Oceanographers study the oceans and
their movements. Meteorologists study
the atmosphere, and some make weather
predictions. Astronomers study the uni-
verse, trying to gain knowledge about the
stars, planets, and galaxies.

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